Florida is a magical place. The Ritz Carlton is even more magical. The most magic though, is found in my friends. Writers, influencers, go-getters, travelers, drivers, down-right passionate people. The last session I attended at Mom 2.0 2017 was small and intimate, and those of us in the room dug a little deep, while…
So Glad They Told Me Pub Day!
It is a bit hard to explain what happens when I get an acceptance email for something I have written. I mean, clearly I am happy but usually it is as if I do not really believe it at first. I have to read the email a few times before it truly sinks in. “We would like…
Towel-Folding, it’s an art
There is A LOT of talk about mothers and motherhood in my life right now. First, because I am one. Second because I’m a part of this “little” it’s actually a pretty big show called “Listen To Your Mother.” Third, because I have an essay published in Only Trollops Shave Above the Knee: The Crazy,…