Photostory Friday

Photostory Friday – Busy as a Bee

While I was "busy" pulling weeds out back yesterday and the boys were eating their lunch on the deck, I…

16 years ago

Every Child…

Every child should be able to do this.......or have the opportunity to do this......or even do this if they feel…

16 years ago

Photostory Friday – Look Alikes

Yes, they look like they could be related but of course they are not.It doesn't surprise me that people think…

16 years ago

Photostory Friday – G Rocks

This kid rocks the squiggly straw, the eye lashes and the blondie blonde hair. I love him beaucoups (and not…

16 years ago

Signs of Valentine’s

I started making these cookies several years ago when I found the original recipe in a February issue of Martha's…

16 years ago

He Really “Nose” How to Pick ‘Em!

I spend quite a bit of time telling this child to take his finger out of his nose (he always…

16 years ago

Photostory Friday – The Horse Farm

There's a horse farm and stables right smack dab in the middle of our neighborhood. At the end of one…

16 years ago

Photostory Friday – All Boxed Up

They get all kinds of researched and most assuredly fun gifts for Christmas and what do they want to play…

16 years ago

PhotoStory Friday – I Resolve…

I resolve to the love these munchkins with even more of myself than I thought possible.I resolve to cherish the…

16 years ago

PhotoStory Friday – Little Turkey

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek This was my baby on Thanksgiving last year. And since the theme of my blog…

16 years ago