I will always remember my third-grade program. Beneath the harsh neon lights of the cafeteria stage I sang my heart out to the song “Calendar Girls”. The stinky boy right in front of me told me I sang to loud. I replied “too bad”. I had a little solo and was so happy to sing…
10 Kisses, 10 Hugs!
One night last month I was putting the boys to bed solo since Tim had left me to go to some fancy-shmancy golf tournament called The Masters. Yeah. Whatever. 😉 Anyway, G had kind of a rough night of not being able to calm down AT ALL and NOT listening to me and well, that…
The “H” Word
You know how you have this idea to record your adorable kid(s) because they are just so “DANG CUTE” lately and so you run and get your phone to keep their latest milestone and super cuteness for posterity? And to post it on your blog for all of your twenty-ish readers to see?? Yeah, that…
On Bike Helmets and Growing Up
Since K is my last “baby” I seem to be a little more um… sensitive to her firsts and her milestones (read: I’m freaking out a little about the fact that she is my last baby and OHMYGAWD what a mess I will be in a couple of years when she goes to Kindergarten!!) {Except the no-more-diapers…
Nurturing The Soul of Your Family
Do you have the perfect family? Admittedly, I do not. On the outset we probably look that way. Three cute blonde kids, a Mom and a Dad. Pretty photos, vacations, stories of love and time together. And we have all that, we do, but it’s FAR from perfect. We also have yelling and fighting and…
What’s Next?
As I think all of you know, my kids are growing up. I’m not sure how quickly you think they are growing from your perspective, just looking at photos, etc. but for me lately, it certainly seems like the Grow-O-Meter is set at “Warp Speed”. The B Man will be 9 years old very soon. I remember…
Great Expectations…
I have so much fun making new blogging friends and in the last few months I have come to know a wonderful new friend here on the interwebs, Greta. I cannot remember exactly how I came across her blog but I knew pretty quickly from her humor sarcasm and sweetness and photos that I would…
A Change in Me
My patience is often extremely thin with my kids. Many times I am ready to snap at any moment. I am always thinking about something else I need to do, accomplish, make clean or pick up (laundry or groceries or a kid, you name it). I go through my days rewinding a to-do list, mentally…
Without Children
I am going to be completely honest here. Because it’s my blog and I can do that. If I want. And because well, sometimes it’s good to write these things… So, here’s what is on my mind… Sometimes I wonder about people who do not have children. You know, adult, married people. Our society fully…
Oh Monday…
Yesterday we gathered as a family of five and smiled for the camera and laughed and kissed each other’s cheeks. Monday morning came with a vengeance and brought non-listening ears and tears and frustration and new worries for a week ahead. At school. At work. The sunlit counter scattered with the things of a busy…