Many times we find ourselves berating OURSELVES because of our supposed shortcomings in the motherhood department. I know, it’s human nature to focus on the negative much of the time. And I’m not saying I am perfect. Not at all. But the title of my post today is not full of sarcasm. It is FULL of…
Harder than it has to be…
I wrote this post a few months ago, you’ll notice my reference to Spring Break. Since then things have improved quite a bit. They are not perfect, but they are better. It may be because I’ve asked for help with this, in both prayer and to friends and in things I have read. But this…
Mothers, Mothers Everywhere!
In the last few weeks I have listened to so much and read a lot and felt so much about Motherhood. Because of that and also because of the phase I am at in my life, the meaning behind the act of Motherhood seems to be taking on new life for me. Recently I came to the epiphany that I…
TILT – Review and Giveaway
While at Mom Com in Austin I went into a session with Marci Fair. At first I was not sure I would get that much out of it because Marci is a classic “working mother”. She has a career outside of the home, helps spearhead a charity that she founded and she is busy with…
When I was pregnant with my first child I had so many expectations. I spent several hours reading “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”, the book that most mothers who see those two pink lines for the first time, consider the pregnancy Bible. I eagerly anticipated the emails that entered my inbox every week, comparing…
Oh, This Kid!
Last week was one of some major milestones for my middle child. He lost his second top tooth, taking his classic first-grader lisp to the next level – one of epic proportions, I must add. But even though I can’t always understand him that well right now, I don’t care because it’s so damn cute!…
My friend Audra and I used to like to play Barbies at her house. One time her mother walked in on us playing and we both had our “Ken’s” on top of two of the “Barbies” (my favorite one was actually named Samantha, by me) and they were “kissing”. She came into the room and…
The Happy Mama Movement Begins!
My kids surprise me sometimes. I mean, actually, they surprise me a lot. And of course not always in a way I want to be surprised. Sometimes they come around the corner in a Batman mask to purposely surprise me and I pee a little. That way is definitely not my favorite. And sometimes they…
My Day. How Was Yours?
“Would you please not do that?” “Why did you do that?” “Really?!” “Tell your brother you are sorry.” “Well then, we’ll just go home!” “Mom does not respond to whining.” “You want another snack? But you JUST ate.” “No, you may not have another piece of candy.” “Please, just get in the bathroom.” “IF YOU…
The Yogurt Shop Shuffle
While the hubster was out of town at a bachelor party in Vegas a few weeks ago… (yes, I AM THE best wife EVER for letting him go) (and YES, he keeps using that line “what happens in Vegas…”) blah, blah, blah… Wait, what was I talking about? OH yeah… I took the kids for…