I just have to say it is a good thing that God knows we make mistakes because I COMPLETELY forgot about the Friday night rehearsal for The B Man’s First Communion. Thankfully he had already practiced his reading, as well as how to line up and receive the host, the previous Sunday at the retreat they…
On the Fourth of the Fourth Month
And so it goes that I did not get a picture of my kids on the third but yet again, the fourth of the month. The universe must be trying to tell me we need a dog or something (since you know, no mo babies are comin’ outta this lady…). Plus I was completely distracted…
Truly Miss Elaine-ous Monday
The entire family dressed in green on Saturday to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in our own little way. Tim also made green pancakes. On Friday afternoon The B man went on about the “leprechaun” that wreaked havoc in their classroom at school. They came back to find all kinds of silly things done to the…
My Kids Crack Me Up
The other night we were talking to The B Man about how we need to get him a new mattress. I won’t EVEN tell you how old the one he has been sleeping on happens to be thesameoneIsleptonasakid.He was all gung-ho about the idea and after I laid down on his bed I was all…
Three on the Fourth
I never publish a post this late in the day but I got out of bed this a.m. at 6:05 to go to the gym and I’ve hardly stopped since. Well besides the fairly relaxing hair appointment I had this morning in which my stylist massaged my neck during the shampoo and it took her .053 seconds…