I was feeling a tad “Scrooge-ish” last week. Don’t know why exactly. Maybe because my husband was working practically non-stop and my holiday shopping duties were not anywhere NEAR done. Oh and also? I didn’t feel like my mantle was quite done, so to remedy ALL these feelings, I looked to retail therapy. I’m here…
God Bless Digital Cameras…
After hanging out at my friend’s house for her kiddos’ birthday party last week I asked her if we could use her pretty backyard to get some our our own family photos.And then we quickly agreed on a dual family photo shoot! Sometimes it’s hard to figure out how to get your own photo taken…
Halloween Fun!
We live in an interesting, sort of hidden little neighborhood that is a mix of young families and older folks who have lived here a while. It consists of only 4 (albeit quite long) streets that are connected before you have to go out on the VERY busy main road that runs perpendicular to the…
Seeing Things Through Their Eyes
Lately I am working on seeing things from other people’s perspective. Particularly my husband’s and my kids’. Especially the kids, who are shorter, and not quite as wise and are still learning and soaking things in every day in some way. I have to try to remember that they do not “know” everything I expect…
Fall-ISH Fun
We made it to the “pumpkin patch” today, even though the temperature was a steamy 90 degrees while we were there. I kinda hate that it is so unseasonable but you know, when the forecast shows similar temps for a while, and you want some cute pumpkins to put outside the front of your house, and festive…
Life is a Highway (or a suburban street, whatever)
We are in that in between spot of the year, before the time changes again and it’s still light out at 6:30. The kids have energy to burn after dinner so they pull out pretty much every toy that has wheels from the garage and into our long driveway. I sit on the bench nearby…
I commented to a friend of mine the other day that things are getting “easier” as the kids get older. I think what I really meant is that things are easier now that G is in Kindergarten. I don’t mean that in a mean way, I’m just saying the boy takes a lot of energy…
Hey!! Tap. Tap. Is this thing on? Wow, I feel like a week of my life was stolen from me. Seriously. At least I conserved make-up. For a day or so I was in and out of consciousness while wearing a sweatshirt and fuzzy socks, at the end of August in south Louisiana (completely unheard of…
Reunited and it feels so good…
My father used to travel from time to time for work when I was a little girl. I remember nights of being offered his empty space in my parents’ bed while he was gone and I gladly claimed it. I think both my Mom and I felt a bit more secure having each other to…
A day early and a couple of milkshakes short…
Monday morning I woke up much earlier than usual to go to the gym before the kids were up and before Tim had to leave for work. This is not something I do often but with the kids all out of school I figured it’s a good plan some days. As usual, K was in…