
My Second Son

"Mommy, kiss".  His backpack is loaded on his back and his breath smells like bacon. We give a peck on…

10 years ago

My Girl

I brush her fine, straight hair and gently move the strands that hang in front of her eyes out of…

10 years ago

Under Gavin’s Bed

Let me set the scene: Fifteen minutes before we need to leave for church and I have yet to put…

10 years ago

Happy Mamas – A Year of JOY!

J.O.Y. Just feel it, Over and over, You can do it.   That just came to me as I started…

10 years ago

The Dress-Up Box

A friend of mine was having a garage sale and I knew I could find a "few" things to contribute.…

10 years ago

Moving On

One morning last week, in the crisp-ish Fall air, I took our puppy, Oliver for a walk/run in the park…

10 years ago

#IAmAGoodMom Instagram Fun!

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post called 'I Am Such A Good Mom', because I wanted to start a…

10 years ago

My Crazy Awesome Kids

One morning recently I took a quick walk through my neighborhood as my exercise for that day.  It was great…

10 years ago

How Could You Be So Harsh?

The other day I went to Target to pick up a few a lot of things and I was alone…

11 years ago

I’m Such a Good Mom

Many times we find ourselves berating OURSELVES because of our supposed shortcomings in the motherhood department.  I know, it's human…

11 years ago