I am going to admit right here, right now that not setting my phone alarm for 6:45 every morning has been glorious. Summer is awesome for that. Did you know that I am not much of a morning person? Ask Tim, he’ll tell you. With fervor. He seems to be a morning AND night…
Steppin Out Saturday and Mommy & Me
This weekend was quite busy with two (three if you count dinner out for me) birthday parties. I also planted flowers out front and Tim did all the laundry and started cleaning house in preparation for my parents coming this next weekend to help us celebrate The B Man’s 7th birthday (what?? You still clean…
Falling For Fall
I’ve always said that Spring is my favorite season. My birthday is in Spring, as well as both of the boys’. Flowers are blooming, the trees begin to green up and there’s just this sense of renewal in the air.Oh and Cadbury eggs. Enough said. But Fall has started to inch it’s way to the…
Mommy & Me AND Daddy & Me!
We had a lovely 3-day weekend and I’m so glad that Tim took Friday off to relax and spend some time extra time with us. He made Ben his favorite Birthday breakfast (Belgian waffles with whipped cream) and we also went to an outdoor concert and picnic in town. He took this picture of me…
Mommy & Me Monday
After a whirlwind weekend, which I will post more about later this week, there was a moment when the kids and I were outside, all together. The boys were playing as boys do and Baby K and I were hanging out by some flowers I’d just planted and I was taking a picture here and…
Have You Ever Heard that Expression, “Running Around Like a Chicken With Your Head Cut Off?”
This week begins the busy, and it continues for a couple of weeks. There are birthdays (even a “half” one), there are parties and celebrations. There is shopping and baking to do (not sure if I’m doing the baking yet or not…). Tomorrow I will be hosting a giveaway (come check it out, it’s something…
A Day to Get Out
Some days I just feel the pull to spend time outdoors. Today was one of those days. I noticed the sun high in the sky and the blue color begged for my observation. So after church and lunch and living room toy clean up it was time to go sliding and walking and duck-feeding and…