Were the “Pet Shop Boys” boys that actually worked at a pet shop together? What’s up with the price of gas always having that 9/10 on the sign? If the gas is 2.59 9/10 a gallon why not just make it 2.60 a gallon? Why do they put plastic on the organic broccoli? What hurts…
A Day Late and a Lightbulb (or two) Short
The kids and I went to one of those home improvement type stores today. I took them out against my better judgment (rowdy little buggars) and thankfully it worked out okay. Did you know that the store like that that starts with an “L” has cool car carts with TWO steering wheels? Yeah, saved my…
Some stuff overheard at our house lately… Little G: Katie DON’T pull my hair!!!Baby K: ‘baby giggle’ ************************************************** Little G: Mommy, can I play with my wienie now?Me: NO!!! ************************************************** The B Man: (while showing me his pretend ‘laboratory’ in Tim’s office) Mommy, you can’t touch this button right here because if you do there…
Right Here, Right Now
I’m usually a night-time poster. But here I am on Tuesday morning with stuff in my head and my kids awake and I’m posting. Little G is painting in water colors and baby K is scooting backwards across the floor, as she likes to do these days. I just almost started to cry because I…
WW – Home
I went to bed at 7:52 p.m. last night. Although I did not fall asleep right away. I watched some Glee, which if you ask me there was a little too much Kristen Chenoweth and a show with no “Rachel” is just wrong. But hey, not my show so… I think the long walk and…
The Soundtrack of My Life
It’s the little boy laughter that echoes throughout the cavernous living room. It’s the music from the exer-saucer as baby’s hand smacks down. Is it something from the Baroque period? I’m not sure. It’s the swish of the washer and the tumble of the dryer. It’s the beeping of the microwave and the ice maker…
On Smocked Dresses and Free Address Labels and Moving
No, we are NOT moving again. It’s just that I still talk about the “big move” and things related to it quite a bit so it’s in the title of this post. K? K. Actually, it’s been over nine months since we moved and things are going well. Of course it has it’s “pros” and…
It’s Technically NOT Eavesdropping if You Let Them Know You’re There, Right?
Little G and I walked out on the screened in porch the other day so that he could blow some bubbles. I was helping him get started when I heard some voices from the backyard behind ours. I quickly picked up on the fact that the people were arguing and that it was a couple….
THE Most Random Post EVER (at least that I’ve ever written)
This post is REALLY random. And there’s random pics of my kids mixed in, just for the heck of it. * Do you ever wonder how people come up with or invent things? Like who figured out that a little piece of paper with sticky stuff on the back would be like one of the…
My Outing Today, This Weekend and ANOTHER Blog
Let me set the scene for you: Three kids, including an infant IN an infant carrier. Toddler with “space & rockets” p.j.s and dirty socks. No shoes. Kindergartener still in school uniform and his coat (actually looking pretty good). Mom who decides on a whim that it’s a good idea to drive to a certain…