
Ben Ten

    This is Ben. Today he is ten. Yesterday he was nine. And that was just fine. But now…

11 years ago


When I was pregnant with my first child I had so many expectations.  I spent several hours reading “What to…

11 years ago

Oh, This Kid!

Last week was one of some major milestones for my middle child.  He lost his second top tooth, taking his…

11 years ago

Just You and Me Girl

It is already school registration time around here and Tim and I have decided to send K to the same…

11 years ago


"Mama! Did you know that I am a Princess?""Why yes, baby, I did know that!""See my pretty skirt?!  Look, I…

11 years ago

Just Keep Swimming

“Where did the big girl come from?”  We say it a lot these days. The sun was bright and hot…

12 years ago

The Gavinator is SIX!

When Gavin was born I remember watching the American Idol finale from my hospital bed.  It was the year that…

12 years ago

The “H” Word

You know how you have this idea to record your adorable kid(s) because they are just so "DANG CUTE" lately…

12 years ago

I Know Y’all Wanna See Some Wedding Pictures…

When B was in Kindergarten Q and U got married.And now G is there and they got married AGAIN.I knew…

12 years ago

My First Engagement Photo Shoot!

My trip to Texas last week also included a pretty special photo shoot (or 2).My niece (and first godchild!), Megan…

12 years ago

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