Last fall I signed on to do Listen To your Mother for the third year with Jennifer. However, life got in the way and I had to let it go for this year. I was saddened by this but also needed the time to get through my own stuff. Thankfully, Jennifer and Ramona were gracious…
The View and Nurse Storytellers…
I don’t want to be one of those people who makes “mountains out of molehills” or anything like that but the other night I was laying in bed thinking about this whole “The View” thing and what they said about Miss Colorado and her monologue about being a nurse. First and foremost, yes, they insulted…
An Extra Special Mother’s Day
I am sitting here, overwhelmed with the weight and amazing-ness of Motherhood right now. So many sweet messages from my co-mothers. My husband just stocked the fridge with fresh food, the kids cleaned their rooms and the house while our wonderful “babysitter” (should be kid-sitter, at this point, I think…) was with them. She stayed with them…
A Powerful Chorus
On the eve of our first rehearsal for this year’s Listen To Your Mother show in Beaumont I decided to make small but meaningful “goodie” bags for our cast members. I made one for each of the nine people that would be reading with Jennifer and I that day, and instead of just putting their…
Lucky Day! Happy Mamas March
The other day, Gavin brought me a large clover he pulled from our backyard and asked me if it was lucky. I told him that it was not seen as lucky because it did not have four different sets of leaves, only three, as you typically find. I explained that it is considered extremely “lucky” to find…
Sometimes I get so caught up in writing about things that are happening or have happened in my life, I forget that I am also just busy living this life. There is a lot happening and going on around me and with my friends and family and even my on-line life. Each new day brings…
Dreams Do Come True
When I was a little girl I had dreams of being the next Madonna. Okay, minus the cone bra, but you know what I mean. I used my “jam box” to record my favorite songs off of the radio on to cassette tapes, or just bought the “single” on tape during my next trip to the…
Mothers, Mothers Everywhere!
In the last few weeks I have listened to so much and read a lot and felt so much about Motherhood. Because of that and also because of the phase I am at in my life, the meaning behind the act of Motherhood seems to be taking on new life for me. Recently I came to the epiphany that I…
It Was Truly Amazing
There is a popcorn kernel on the rug next to K’s cute silver sandals, dropped there by G. There are LEGOs on my desk in front of me that G built, a “unicorn” for each of us. He even used a Sharpie to make smiley faces on them. In the chair next to me is B, navigating…
Out Loud
For those of you who read here regularly and/or are friends with me on Facebook, you know about the show coming up this weekend, Listen To Your Mother. As the official “producer” of the show, and with Jennifer at my side as the director, a lot of hard work, worrying, laughter, and even a few…