I recently cleaned out the boys’ closet, taking many things to the resale shop and to charity. I also bought some new clothes for them, especially The B Man, and a few things for Little G, although he’s mostly wearing The B Man’s hand-me-downs. When I switched out sizes for Little G the other day,…
Have You Ever Heard that Expression, “Running Around Like a Chicken With Your Head Cut Off?”
This week begins the busy, and it continues for a couple of weeks. There are birthdays (even a “half” one), there are parties and celebrations. There is shopping and baking to do (not sure if I’m doing the baking yet or not…). Tomorrow I will be hosting a giveaway (come check it out, it’s something…
You Capture – Reaching
I didn’t think I would have any pictures for the topic this week but our little trip to the zoo provided me with a few… Reaching for Food (very pretty giraffe) Reaching for the sky AND the ground (this tree was HUGE!) Reaching just for the FUN of it (these guys were silly!) And I’m…
It’s Technically NOT Eavesdropping if You Let Them Know You’re There, Right?
Little G and I walked out on the screened in porch the other day so that he could blow some bubbles. I was helping him get started when I heard some voices from the backyard behind ours. I quickly picked up on the fact that the people were arguing and that it was a couple….
Who’s Your Baby?
When a baby is born out of our womb and comes into our lives there’s nothing else like it in the world. We’ve waited with so much anticipation for so many months to see their face and marvel at the miracle that is their tiny body. But even as we do, we don’t quite “know”…
A Day to Get Out
Some days I just feel the pull to spend time outdoors. Today was one of those days. I noticed the sun high in the sky and the blue color begged for my observation. So after church and lunch and living room toy clean up it was time to go sliding and walking and duck-feeding and…
You Capture – Kisses
It fits the theme and he did WHAT I asked him to WHEN I asked him to. That in itself makes this an amazing picture. Plus, I think he kinda likes her…
Co-Sleeping is NOT for the Tender-Ribbed (or me)
The sleeping arrangements at Grandma and Grandpa’s house leave a little to be desired. At least for me. Little G was satisfied to sleep on a blow up kiddie bed for the first two nights but unfortunately that has lost it’s luster and he’s found the bed where I sleep (in the same room) much…
You Capture – Work
It’s someone’s WORK to drive these… It’s someone’s WORK to wear this… And these… It’s my WORK to fold these… It’s my WORK to make these… It’s my WORK to play with these? NAH! It’s a walk in the park compared to putting on that fire suit. Who has the more difficult day at WORK?…
WW – My Three
My three children are growing up right before my very eyes. (I know, I can hear you saying it, “Well of course they are, Elaine, that’s what children do!”) I registered The B Man for soccer last weekend. Little G uses the word “actually” correctly. Baby K smiles hugely as I come toward her to…