The boys enjoyed Baby K’s new tea set that we gave her for her birthday. Complete with tiara and dinosaur jammies. Wordful Wednesday now hosted by the beautiful and hilarious mamma at Parenting by Dummies!
Potty Tots – Review & Giveaway
I’m not really a fan of potty training. It did not go “swimmingly” the first time around (really, no kind of pun intended) and I was having small convulsions thinking about round two. While on twitter one day I connected with Jill @pottytots and she offered to help in any way she could (this was…
Oh yeah, and one of my kids started Pre-School…
With all the “hoopla” of our little took five posts to talk about Labor Day trip to NOLA I did not get a chance to talk about my pre-schooler! Little G started last Wednesday. I was nervous because drop-off is SO not his thing. He did cry and I did make a quick exit. But…
I’ll Take the Good and the Bad
Some days I have time with my children where I want to cry “UNCLE!!!” really loudly and put a sign out in the front yard that says FREE KID(S) (you know, depending on how many are bugging me at the time). Some days I have time with my children where I am overwhelmed at how…
You Capture – Summer
We haven’t done anything very “Summery” this week. You know, unless you count hunkering down next to the A/C unit. Oh my, the HEAT!! Even the bugs are coming in to the house for a reprieve. (Note to BUGS: seriously, STAY OUT. You’re freakin’ out the boy children and the baby girl wants to eat…
WW – My Little Firecrackers
On Friday the boys and I made ‘homemade’ sparklers out of pipe cleaners. (should read, I made them while the boys watched and ‘critiqued’ my work). And then on Saturday they had fun trying to keep them away from their sister while all she did was try to put them in her mouth just like…
Playing Catch Up
The other day I found myself ‘venting’ about the fact that this could be a crazy Summer with the kids. Yeah, remember that? And now, it’s already less than 2 months before The B Man goes back to school and we have another trip planned in a few weeks to celebrate my parents’ 50th wedding…
WW – One LARGE Ice Cream and a Small Fry, Please
I imagine he’s saying “You will be mine, Oh yes! You will be mine!!” Isn’t vacation fun?
WW – Grow On
Did you just say “uh oh?” Because I did when she first did this yesterday. Yes folks, she’s definitely on the move. And my life as I knew it is now over. Oh, and the 6 year old is officially a first-grader after completely Kindergarten today. Not to mention the 3 year old is now…
Some stuff overheard at our house lately… Little G: Katie DON’T pull my hair!!!Baby K: ‘baby giggle’ ************************************************** Little G: Mommy, can I play with my wienie now?Me: NO!!! ************************************************** The B Man: (while showing me his pretend ‘laboratory’ in Tim’s office) Mommy, you can’t touch this button right here because if you do there…