It was really hot and humid here on Friday. But then, on Saturday morning as Tim and I chatted up the folks setting up the party bounce house, I realized how nice it was out. The Outdoor Party Gods (meaning the big man Himself) smiled down on us and granted us THE. PERFECT. weather for…
Happy (early) Birthday to my Little G (it’s on Sunday)!!!
When Little G was born we bonded pretty quickly. He nursed like a champ before we left the hospital and because I did not return to work after his birth, we were always together. I still feel a certain bond to him that is somewhat indescribable. At four years old he is a fierce snuggler…
In the Middle of the Night
I could hear his footsteps and his breath as he entered our room. His little boys socks, scooting, “swish, swish” as he approached my side of the bed. I blearily looked at the bright red digital numbers on the opposite night table They screamed “2:34!!!!” at me. If I had still been up and awake…
Ahh, to be young again… WW & You Capture
The beauty of youth is all around me. Every day, in my children. I just hope and pray they keep me young. There’s a saying… something about how youth is wasted on the young. I don’t think it’s a waste at all… Can you tell my camera is working again? These were all…
He Drives Me Crazy
I have a bit of a “love/not liking what you are doing right now at all!!” relationship with my middle child these days. One moment he’s smiling and playing and the next he is whining his face off or even crying about something that I cannot even understand. It’s like a switch flips in his…
Does it count as “vlog” if all you see is my arm and I’m just talking in the background?
While Tim and The B Man were off to the school book fair the other night I felt the need to record the smaller kids in the bath together. They are so cute. I know you won’t disagree. It’s actually physically impossible to do so. And please, watch the whole thing (or FF to the…
There are two times when I know my children will be quiet. When they are sleeping. And when they are eating dessert. They get a lot of dessert. And a fair amount of sleep… This morning Little G got up to take a tinkle at 5:34 according to the clock in our bedroom. Afterward he…
Of Halloweens Past…
I thought it would be fun to take a little trip down Halloween Memory Lane… 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Now wasn’t that fun? We have TON going on this weekend including two birthday parties, an adult costume party (yay!) and trick or treating of course. I imagine even my social self will…
Autumn – You Capture
You know there’s a saying that people are “in the Autumn of their lives”… I think it means they are older and nearing the end of their life. Right? Well, it seems to me, as if we are “in the Autumn” of her babyhood”… It’s as if she is a full on toddler already. Thankfully…
You Capture – {Little Boy} Faces
Things have kinda been all about the littler girl here lately because well, she’s a baby and she just had a birthday. But I have two wonderful boys too and they light up my life like beautiful shining stars. Little G is coming into his own quite a bit these days and since starting his…