One night last month I was putting the boys to bed solo since Tim had left me to go to some fancy-shmancy golf tournament called The Masters. Yeah. Whatever. Anyway, G had kind of a rough night of not being able to calm down AT ALL and NOT listening to me and well, that…
The Gavinator is SIX!
When Gavin was born I remember watching the American Idol finale from my hospital bed. It was the year that Jordan Sparks won. She beat Blake. And I knew she would, but I just liked him so much, I was rooting for him. He was really cool and different. I also remember the nurse I…
Gas Party
G’s class had THE cutest performance last Wednesday night. I know, y’all are still coming off the high of the Q & U Wedding, trust me, I know. But his teacher truly LOOOOOVES this kind of stuff. As a matter of fact, her kindergarten class is the only one to even do the “operetta”, the…
The “H” Word
You know how you have this idea to record your adorable kid(s) because they are just so “DANG CUTE” lately and so you run and get your phone to keep their latest milestone and super cuteness for posterity? And to post it on your blog for all of your twenty-ish readers to see?? Yeah, that…
I Know Y’all Wanna See Some Wedding Pictures…
When B was in Kindergarten Q and U got married. And now G is there and they got married AGAIN. I knew this was a wedding I would not want to miss because I know his teacher, and she is GOOD. I was right. Q and U always get married near the end of the…
My Kids Are SO Stinkin’ Cute, Don’t You Even Try to Deny It!
The little kids tag along to B’s soccer practice every week and we have to try to find stuff to do while he’s practicing. I decided this time that we would not pass the time with them fighting over who got to play on my phone. The park and fields are quite big and…
Giving Gav His Credit Where Credit it is Due
The other day Gavin and Katie were sitting down at the table to work on their homework at the same time as Ben. Obviously Katie does not have actual homework but she likes to pretend like she does while the boys do theirs. Often times I will put our big ole container of crayons on…
I commented to a friend of mine the other day that things are getting “easier” as the kids get older. I think what I really meant is that things are easier now that G is in Kindergarten. I don’t mean that in a mean way, I’m just saying the boy takes a lot of energy…
I’m locking this one in his room until he is AT LEAST 25
Last night after dinner the kids and I were in the driveway waiting for Tim to get home from work. Out of the blue G started to tell me and I quote… “I love ALL the girls!!” “They are ALL beautiful and I want to marry them ALL!” This is not the first time I…
Kindergarten! GO!
I probably woke up late because subconsciously I was not ready for this. I laid there while Tim readied himself for work all around me and the light from our bedroom window became more and more. But still, I did not rise. When I finally lifted my tired body from the bed and sauntered into…