Little G

WW – Do You Care for a Spot of Tea Little G?

The boys enjoyed Baby K's new tea set that we gave her for her birthday. Complete with tiara and dinosaur…

14 years ago

Potty Tots – Review & Giveaway

I'm not really a fan of potty training.It did not go "swimmingly" the first time around (really, no kind of…

15 years ago

Oh yeah, and one of my kids started Pre-School…

With all the "hoopla" of our little took five posts to talk about Labor Day trip to NOLA I did…

15 years ago

I’ll Take the Good and the Bad

Some days I have time with my children where I want to cry "UNCLE!!!" really loudly and put a sign…

15 years ago

You Capture – Summer

We haven't done anything very "Summery" this week.You know, unless you count hunkering down next to the A/C unit.Oh my,…

15 years ago

WW – My Little Firecrackers

On Friday the boys and I made 'homemade' sparklers out of pipe cleaners. (should read, I made them while the…

15 years ago

Playing Catch Up

The other day I found myself 'venting' about the fact that this could be a crazy Summer with the kids.…

15 years ago

WW – One LARGE Ice Cream and a Small Fry, Please

I imagine he's saying "You will be mine, Oh yes! You will be mine!!" Isn't vacation fun? :D

15 years ago

WW – Grow On

Did you just say "uh oh?" Because I did when she first did this yesterday. Yes folks, she's definitely on…

15 years ago


Some stuff overheard at our house lately...Little G: Katie DON'T pull my hair!!!Baby K: 'baby giggle'**************************************************Little G: Mommy, can I…

15 years ago