Little G

This post sponsored by the letter “K”

I'm a little nervous about Gavin starting school next week.  And by the way, a little means a lot.I do…

13 years ago

Play time

I got my big girl camera out today.  It felt so nice to caress its black plastic again and adjust…

13 years ago

Lego Bounce Party & MEM

We officially celebrated Little G's birthday this weekend at the local bouncy place.  He wanted a Lego party so I…

13 years ago

Happy 5th to my 2nd!

I found out I was pregnant with Little G while we were on vacation in Florida in early September of…

13 years ago

Running A Muck!

Last week I wrote about my son.  The one that keeps me on my toes the most.  The one that…

13 years ago

So this week’s been a little different

Sometimes things don't always go as planned.  Especially when kids and erratic weather are involved. And that's okay.Monday, Gav had…

13 years ago

Cheerio, Old Chap!

I think I've watched a bit too many Downton Abbey episodes lately, what do y'all think? (I'm almost caught up,…

13 years ago

Exasperating Boy

As I have mentioned before, one of my children can exasperate me to no end...In the morning he snuggles in…

13 years ago

Proof my kids play other things besides Angry Birds

This boy is my snuggly snuggle bug and the main reason we are in the market for a king-sized bed.He's…

13 years ago

Memories Captured – Little G

It's hard to choose just one child to post a picture of when you have three. But sometimes you just…

13 years ago