Little G

Chocolate Chip Cookies? Why Yes, Thank You!

My middle child has been on a baking kick for several months now. As a matter of fact, the last…

8 years ago

So Proud.

I had no choice but to come out of my dream as he bounded onto my bed. His face came…

9 years ago

Extrovert Mom, Introvert Child

I am leaving in the morning for my first Type A conference (yes, I kind of resemble the name...).  Of course…

9 years ago

8 is Great!

Eight years ago I was hanging out in the hospital after having my second baby boy.  That afternoon, after he…

10 years ago

My Second Son

"Mommy, kiss".  His backpack is loaded on his back and his breath smells like bacon. We give a peck on…

10 years ago

You CAN Teach a New Dog Old Tricks!

One afternoon last week it was just about cool enough to play outside.  So I encouraged dragged all my boys…

10 years ago

Harder than it has to be…

I wrote this post a few months ago, you'll notice my reference to Spring Break.  Since then things have improved…

10 years ago

2 + 5 = SEVEN!

When "Little G" was born I watched the American Idol finale from my hospital bed while  I continued to learn…

11 years ago

Oh, This Kid!

Last week was one of some major milestones for my middle child.  He lost his second top tooth, taking his…

11 years ago

School Days

I will always remember my third-grade program.  Beneath the harsh neon lights of the cafeteria stage I sang my heart…

11 years ago