My middle child has been on a baking kick for several months now. As a matter of fact, the last time we went to the library (and he got his own library card) the only book he wanted to check out was one with cookies recipes. He is so my son. Before we had to…
So Proud.
I had no choice but to come out of my dream as he bounded onto my bed. His face came right up next to mine and we shared our morning breath. “Mom, I want to make the cinnamon rolls! I just need you to tell me how to turn on the oven!” “Son, can I…
Extrovert Mom, Introvert Child
I am leaving in the morning for my first Type A conference (yes, I kind of resemble the name…). Of course I am a bit nervous because I’ve never been to Type A and there will be new people to meet and unfamiliar stuff. Also, my best conference buddy will not be there this time (boo)….
8 is Great!
Eight years ago I was hanging out in the hospital after having my second baby boy. That afternoon, after he as born, his older brother remarked that he looked like a burrito, all swaddled up by the nurses. He had THE roundest head and a pair of strikingly cute dimples that those same nurses fell…
My Second Son
“Mommy, kiss”. His backpack is loaded on his back and his breath smells like bacon. We give a peck on the lips, as he cranes his neck back and then I watch him walk out the door to his Daddy’s truck. Dressed in clothes that he chose himself, it’s been a long time since…
You CAN Teach a New Dog Old Tricks!
One afternoon last week it was just about cool enough to play outside. So I encouraged dragged all my boys (including the canine one) to come outside and play. We had received this wonderful KaBOOM! Go Out & Play backpack from Imagine Toys with all kinds of goodies, including a disc. And, we have…
Harder than it has to be…
I wrote this post a few months ago, you’ll notice my reference to Spring Break. Since then things have improved quite a bit. They are not perfect, but they are better. It may be because I’ve asked for help with this, in both prayer and to friends and in things I have read. But this…
2 + 5 = SEVEN!
When “Little G” was born I watched the American Idol finale from my hospital bed while I continued to learn to nurse him. I always remember who won that year, it was Jordan Sparks. She beat out Blake (cannot remember his last name) and I was a little sad about that. But I was happy…
Oh, This Kid!
Last week was one of some major milestones for my middle child. He lost his second top tooth, taking his classic first-grader lisp to the next level – one of epic proportions, I must add. But even though I can’t always understand him that well right now, I don’t care because it’s so damn cute!…
School Days
I will always remember my third-grade program. Beneath the harsh neon lights of the cafeteria stage I sang my heart out to the song “Calendar Girls”. The stinky boy right in front of me told me I sang to loud. I replied “too bad”. I had a little solo and was so happy to sing…