
Blogger Meet Up

So Saturday night I met up with some DFW area bloggers. It was really cool to meet some other ladies…

17 years ago

Lucky Streak

Last week I was gifted with two different bloggy giveaways (woot!) but then I completely forgot to buy any lottery…

17 years ago

Taggin’ Tuesday

My friend Becky over at Boys Rule My Life has tagged me for the 7 Things Meme. She and I…

17 years ago

My Blog is Rated “E”

How cool is that? Reluctant Housewife was kind enough to bestow this award of excellence upon me and I am…

17 years ago

A Meme & A Giveaway (UPDATED)

I was tagged a week or so ago by my new friend (from the Ultimate Blog Party!) Scrapping Servant to…

17 years ago

Monday Movie Madness

Oh My! Two Posts in one day (scroll down for some linky love...). And I know y'all just can't get…

17 years ago

Lucky Linky Love

There isn't a lick of Irish in me, but aren't we all a little Irish on Saint Paddy's Day? If…

17 years ago


Ok, so even though I love staying home with my kiddos, sometimes I really look forward to the weekend. I…

17 years ago

There is a New Boy in Our Life

Okay, well if you haven't followed Sophie and Shannon to Africa and back with Compassion, first, I am sorry that…

17 years ago

And the Love Goes On and On…

So, I am having a pretty awesome last 24 hours or so in the old world of the blogsphere! Last…

17 years ago