Also known as, our year in review… The year started off colder than usual for Louisiana and in January I made a trip with the baby to meet up with Lisa in Houston. We ate cupcakes and shared some great “friend” time. It was a lovely little trip. In February we experienced our first Louisiana…
Do you even just feel overwhelmed with all there is to get done? And then you feel overwhelmed by all the overwhelmed-ness? I hope I’m not the only one. Right now the thing that’s weighing on me most is Christmas shopping. I am not an early bird shopper and I used to LIKE to do…
Do You Remember the First Time?
No, I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about lots of things in life that we do for the first time. Like riding a bike with no training wheels or losing a tooth or flying in an airplane. Things that are both exciting but can make you anxious all at the same time… I was…
Morning, Why Are You So DAILY?
I am not traditionally a “morning person”. Morning means getting out of bed and I’m a HUGE fan of lying in bed, even if I’m not sleeping. Thankfully, I have a husband who is much more “morning person”esque than myself. Many mornings he gets up and feeds the kids and even makes The B Man’s…
Dear Sleep, Why do you Elude Me?
I haven’t been feeling that well since we returned from our weekend jaunt and I think it may just be allergies (Ragweed can go to h.e.l.l.) but whatever it is is putting me in a foul mood. And when I’m in a foul mood AND not feeling well, I’d rather just sleep and by sleep…
I kinda felt like I was in another world over the weekend. I also kinda felt like it was “back in the day” before Tim and I had our three beautiful children together. I kinda felt like I was in some sort of dream at times… We had a wonderful, fun, relaxing, rejuvenating time with…
It’s All Too Fast
We cleaned out closets today. Tim dropped off a bunch of stuff earlier this afternoon that we donated and now, sitting in the kitchen and living room, are several ‘baby’ things that are out the door. Tomorrow. Of course it’s bittersweet to load up these things, including bouncy seats, play mats and boxes (2 huge…
I spent quite a lot of time away from my family this weekend. No, I didn’t go anywhere besides some places here in town, but for most of Saturday and some time on Sunday, I was away from Tim and the kids. On Saturday I used my “spa day” gift certificate that Tim gave me…
WW – I Saw an Old Friend Today…
… although if I called him “old” he’d probably be angry with me. (He turns 50 in a week and half… shhh…I personally think he’s in his prime. Meanwhile, he’s trying to ignore this milestone…) He comes to town often for business and I used to work with his lovely wife, who I ADORE, and…
In Control?
As I was driving back from picking up The B Man’s school supplies the other day, it struck me. “Tim would never do this.” And I don’t mean that in a negative or mean or bitter way. I just mean he wouldn’t. School supplies are my ‘job’. Partly because I don’t work so, uh yeah….