I’ve held a few grudges in my life. Like the time a girl in my third grade class made a…
Even though it may not look like it on paper, I accomplished quite a bit in 2017. Not everything that…
The calendar keeps surprising me. Another year is almost gone. Next week is Thanksgiving and then the hustle and bustle…
I’m preparing to leave and there is so much to think about and do before I go... Right now the…
My mini-van zooms down the highway as I look to the side and sporadically see blurred flashes of piled up…
I brush my hair in front of the mirror that I have used for almost eight years. The counter below is probably…
A few years ago I bought some cute little wooden pieces of art. One has a lovely bird and the other has…
When I was a teenager I would sit on the floor in my bedroom, right behind the door. There was a…
A friend texted me yesterday morning, asking if I had read a book called "Night", by Elie Wiesel. Since I…
*I wrote this post quickly and on the fly last night. But the thoughts are older than that, meaning these…
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