One of the reasons I was excited for our tip to New Orleans is because it gave me a chance to take more photographs around the city. It really is an amazing place. I’ll let the ton of photos tell the tale… click to enlarge
The Whole Story
Y’all know I love Instagram so much that I would totally marry it, right? Right. But what I find interesting as I look through my pictures is that even though that one moment is captured and put out there for the whole world my 737 followers, only about 20-30 who usually “like” a photo or…
Size Matters.
I am talking about family size. Just to clarify that right away… 😉 So yeah, apparently it does. Matter. The size of you family, that is. I was chatting with some friends the other day about this and someone mentioned that three is not really an ideal number of kids because then there is always…
It was a REALLY good day
Ten things I loved about Mother’s Day 2013:1. Breakfast in bed. Oh yeah! A cinnamon sugar donut (homemade by the hubby), eggs, bacon and coffee. That’s right girls, be jealous.2. HGTV while eating breakfast in bed. And boys bringing me pressies they made at school, WHILE still in bed.3. Church with my whole family, sitting…
A Day in the Life
I was thinking the other day about how my days used to go when I had only one child and still worked outside of the home. And I wasn’t thinking about it because I was necessarily wishing I was back there, of course not. I was thinking about it because I try to keep my…
I Know Y’all Wanna See Some Wedding Pictures…
When B was in Kindergarten Q and U got married. And now G is there and they got married AGAIN. I knew this was a wedding I would not want to miss because I know his teacher, and she is GOOD. I was right. Q and U always get married near the end of the…
Stolen Moments
My kids are busy these days. Between school and the activities after, and well…. Minecraft, they have a lot going on. 😉 I was just thinking how my days of “playdates”, full of tots crawling around my living room and coffee with other moms of little ones are virtually over. Everybody in this house has…
Nine Years Ago…
…I became a mother. It was a crazy but amazing and life-changing day. And sometimes it feels like just yesterday and other times it feels like a really long time ago. Ben is my smart, funny, emotional, sensitive, handsome boy with lots of questions and a penchant for accents. He does a pretty good British…
It’s All Good
We ventured out to our little, local zoo today for some Easter-y fun. They host an event with a cute little egg hunt and photos with the Easter Bunny and music, etc. Essentially the kids help pick up recycled eggs and then trade them in for chocolate. It’s a pretty good system, actually. We rode…
Just an Hour
I am parked in my same-as-always spot on the side of the street by the school. One huge rain drop slides down the windshield right in front of me. It lands there after dive-bombing from one of the many branches of the huge live oak tree that I am so familiar with. It quickly disappears…