I immediately thought of this photo. I mean, who wouldn’t?! All eleven cousins on my side of the family… being OH, so silly! (well, most of them anyway…)
Those Moments (i heart faces)
Our memories as mothers can be somewhat selective at times. We try to remember the best of times. The smiles and laughter at the zoo as the monkeys swing and entertain. Or the deep sigh we take while our child peacefully sleeps with his or her head on our lap, as we stroke their soft…
Beautiful Eyes – i heart faces
I took this shot of K when I first got my 50mm lens. It’s one of my very faves and pretty fitting for i heart faces this week, dontcha think? It’s kinda like she’s looking down into my soul. So intense for a baby girl. Also? Makes me wanna kiss my computer. i heart…
Water – i heart faces
I just love this boy and his passion for the ocean. It reminds me of me when I was a kid. He was even brave enough to go back in the water after hearing about a little girl that got stung by a jellyfish. Perhaps more brave than me. Ahem. I also love this shot…
Let’s Hear it for the Boys – i heart faces
Trains, “boy” hair cuts, a skinned knee and sweat socks. I’d say it doesn’t get much more boyish than this… I just love the way my boys are working on the train track together in this picture. I just love THEM.
From a Distance – i heart faces
I took my boy to the plant nursery one day to help me shop for flowers. Good thing, otherwise I’m not sure who would have pulled the wagon… Of course I love all my kids but I also love spending one-on-one time with each of them and this was one of those special times……
i heart faces – Best Face in February
I narrowed it down to three and then chose this one in the end. My mostly challenging, but sometimes really sweet, 3 year-old… (i heart faces)
I Heart Faces – All About Babies
When I saw that this week’s challenge at I Heart Faces was about babies, well, I had to enter. See, I have one of those! And she makes some pretty cute faces. This was taken on the day she turned 6 months old and is one of my favorite pictures I’ve ever snapped of my…
I Heart Faces – Hands
I Heart Faces is actually all about HANDS this week. I took this photo last week while in Texas. Baby K met her Great Grandparents (Tim’s Mother’s parents) for the first time. I think Baby K liked her Great Grandmother’s ring. I love the contrast of the hand that has weathered so much versus the…
i heart faces – Feet Week
I Heart Faces – It’s All About the Feet! This week i heart faces is featuring feet, glorious feet! This picture was taken last Summer (dated 8/28) and it really surprises me that we were hanging out on the lawn in the dead of Summer in Texas, but we were. So yeah, that’s one of…