
Day by Day

My father turned 88 on New Year's Day. I know a lot of people think that is old, however I…

4 years ago

A Different Thanksgiving

When I close my eyes and think about Thanksgiving I smell onions. Every year my mom would start cooking the…

4 years ago

Christmas in Canada

As I saw this scene out of the tiny airplane window, Michael Buble's version of "I'm Dreaming of a White…

8 years ago


I am leaving for Christmas. I have to go because I will not be with my children on Christmas this year. That…

8 years ago

Can You Be Humble?

This time of the year always reminds me how many people are less fortunate than I. And I mean in…

8 years ago

Chocolate Covered Cherries

The left side of the huge room was lined with vinyl rocking chairs circa 1950 0r 1960-ish. By the corner window,…

8 years ago


Staying busy is good for me, especially when it involves time with cherished family and friends.  Thankfully, I have been…

9 years ago

Pie & Other Fall Things – Old School Blogging

Fall competes with spring for the "favorite season" award in my mind.  While I do love the colors and temps…

9 years ago

Who Said Only Candy Is For Halloween?

I usually buy too much candy leading up to Halloween.  And by "too much" I mean enough that we eat…

9 years ago

Easter Ease

We had a pretty chill Easter this year.  I did spend quite a bit of time at church.  But that is a…

10 years ago