growing up

Still Here.

I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention.     I regret it now. Hindsight and all that.  I regret that I didn't…

4 years ago

13, Going on… and on…

Several weeks ago Ben had his braces taken off. (I know he doesn't really want me to talk about him…

8 years ago

Yesterday & Today

Today was a long day. Before we left Austin I ran a Christmas present errand and then I stopped by…

8 years ago

Miss Independent

She insisted on carving her own pumpkin. I am not one to hold a women back from her goals.  …

8 years ago


We sat together, waiting on the long bench in the cold corridor.  One woman walked by and asked him a…

9 years ago

A Birthday to Remember

Today is my girl's birthday.  I already gushed about having a daughter last week so today, I just want to…

9 years ago

Counting Cabs

I have realized in the last few months that I consistently think of my daughter as "older".  Meaning I think…

10 years ago

What IS UP with this growing up stuff?

Oh man y'all.  My kids are growing like weeds in Louisiana spring.  I ain't even kidding.  (and don't tell me…

10 years ago

My Second Son

"Mommy, kiss".  His backpack is loaded on his back and his breath smells like bacon. We give a peck on…

10 years ago

Under Gavin’s Bed

Let me set the scene: Fifteen minutes before we need to leave for church and I have yet to put…

10 years ago