I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. I regret that I didn’t always answer when you called for me, or pay attention to what you were trying to say to me. But sometimes I did. I know I did. Because I helped you tie your shoe and…
13, Going on… and on…
Several weeks ago Ben had his braces taken off. (I know he doesn’t really want me to talk about him on the blog very much anymore and I respect that. But unfortunately (although not really), he has the honor of being my first born child. Therefore, all the firsts happen with him and I get…
Yesterday & Today
Today was a long day. Before we left Austin I ran a Christmas present errand and then I stopped by Starbucks. No big convo about my name this time. It was fun to play Santa for just a bit and a grab a coffee in peace. Then I loaded up the kids and all of…
Miss Independent
She insisted on carving her own pumpkin. I am not one to hold a women back from her goals. (Almost) Wordless Wednesday for #NaBloPoMo
We sat together, waiting on the long bench in the cold corridor. One woman walked by and asked him a question that he quickly answered. I thought about how I liked her coat. It was sort of like a cape, but with sleeves. I felt comfortable there, next to him, yet truly uncomfortable for being…
A Birthday to Remember
Today is my girl’s birthday. I already gushed about having a daughter last week so today, I just want to talk about her. The little person I know who is 6 years old today and means so much to me, her mother. Katelyn Cecilia was born on a Thursday morning via scheduled c-section. I remember…
Counting Cabs
I have realized in the last few months that I consistently think of my daughter as “older”. Meaning I think about her being an older kid because her oldest brother is so mature and her other brother is almost 8 years old. Sometimes I do not give her enough credit for still being 5. KWIM?…
What IS UP with this growing up stuff?
Oh man y’all. My kids are growing like weeds in Louisiana spring. I ain’t even kidding. (and don’t tell me ain’t ain’t a word because I’m using it today!) Last week I sat on a wooden stool next to my oldest child, at the orthodontist’s office while they adhered the first part of his braces…
My Second Son
“Mommy, kiss”. His backpack is loaded on his back and his breath smells like bacon. We give a peck on the lips, as he cranes his neck back and then I watch him walk out the door to his Daddy’s truck. Dressed in clothes that he chose himself, it’s been a long time since…
Under Gavin’s Bed
Let me set the scene: Fifteen minutes before we need to leave for church and I have yet to put my makeup on and still need to get one child dressed for church. Ben comes into my room fully dressed, except for shoes. “Mom, I can’t find my brown shoes.” “Did you look under Gavin’s…