
Talkin’ ’bout my girl

I haven't written specifically about K in a while.  I think sometimes I am still amazed that she is mine.…

12 years ago

Just the Two of Us

Blue sky, blue eyes, coral vest and green grass (and weeds).Purple shoes, pink blooms and her favorite scarf with hearts.Blonde…

12 years ago

This morning…

...we had a party. A birthday, tea, pajama party..I know.  Girls are totally rad. And yes, I am from the '80's. thankyouverymuch.What…

12 years ago

Nap Talk (and a cutie-patootie video)

So, one of the last things my last baby has yet to outgrow is the NAP.  K is quickly approaching…

12 years ago

Insta Kate

I *may* have posted a few photos of K on Instagram this last year.  Here are some of my favorites.…

12 years ago

At Three

My sweet Katie-Kay is three today.Aw, it's like a little poem.And really, so is she.I have so much joy with…

12 years ago

The Ladybug Dress

I found this dress at Goodwill on one of my trips to Austin last year at the same time that…

12 years ago

Tuesdays With Katie

Miss K (I think she's pretty much graduated from "baby"...) is starting pre-school after Labor Day.  She will go three…

13 years ago

The many faces of Kate

I took a few pics (try 50) of K today to practice some new things I've learned about using my…

13 years ago

Having a Daughter

Sometimes I just stop and marvel at the fact that I have a daughter.There was a time when I just…

13 years ago

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