All eleven of us (we were missing one) sat around two tables covered in pink, plastic table cloths with our words in print, in front of us. Pink is ALL around the Julie Rogers’ offices (our cause is so amazing, click the link!), since they love it and it ties in with what the do…
Ruby Leon Jewelry Giveaway
Back in Texas, when I became a non-working mother of two little ones, I joined the local chapter of The Moms Club. There I made many great friends who were moms of little ones and at home, just like me. We met for play dates at the park or at each other’s houses. We talked…
Today I am joining in with The Real Housewife of Caroline County and The Bold Fab Mom for #AskAwayFriday. My question answering buddy is the gorgeous and talented Arnebya from What Now and Why. She and Jennifer made me the cream in their Oreo for this photo at BlogHer last year. 🙂 Aren’t we cute?!…
MomCom 2014
Y’all know I love to go to conferences. It is there that I get to see my friends and sleep with them and eat yummy food and learn things. Things I did not even necessarily know I wanted to learn. When I won a scholarship ticket to Mom Com in Austin I was so thrilled…
Having a Moment While in Big Lots
It is always at this time of the year when I get extremely nostalgic, sentimental and extra appreciative for this life of mine. I assume that is the case for many but of course I only know the extent of it for myself. Last week one morning I was in Big Lots buying additional…
Listen To Your Mother 2014!
A couple of years ago I got chills as I sat at my computer and watched my friend Stephanie read her Listen To Your Mother piece. It was surreal to actually LISTEN to her speak her own words on stage since I had read them on her blog for such a long time. And as I…
The State Farm* (er, I mean fair)
Our group of eleven ventured in the side gate, jacketed and talking about how chilly it was. The first words out of K’s mouth were “I want to go see the HORSES!!” Tim went to buy coupons and the boys went off to ride the “Crazy Mouse” (with Tim). I quickly spotted the carousel so…
Old School Blogging – 5 Favorite Blogs
Do you remember how we used to talk about other blogs we loved a lot, back in the day? I do. I even gave this out (and received it as well) to a few friends many moons ago… Ain’t it cute? I think back fondly on the days when we would spread the love and…
Princess Party
A couple of months ago I handed K the Oriental Trading catalog that happened to come in the mail and told her to pick a theme for her birthday party. I did this with an almost-four-year old little girl. It was pretty fun to watch her page through it and say “Oooh, I want this!!”…
Friends in Beach Places
I dug my feet into the sand this past weekend. It felt so damn good. There really is no other feeling like that in the world. To sit at the edge of the ocean, watching all of that water right in front of you, over and over again, listening to the crashes. Yet there you…