One night last week K and I were doing our usual prayers-songs-hugs-and-kisses bedtime routine when I said, “And thank you God for our cousins-” and she stopped me short and said, “For Caphrine and Daniel and Gracie!” But she didn’t stop there. She went on about the photo in the “whiving room” where she is…
Taking a Step Back
She sat by the door in her bedroom, “Indian style” with the green shag carpet grazing each of her calves. The full length mirror on the back of the door served as a periscope into her teenage soul. “Who are you, REALLY?” she would ask as she gazed deep and long into her own brown…
A little perspective…
I recall a certain fight that my mother and I had once when I was a little girl. I was probably about seven or eight years old and I have no real recollection of what our disagreement was about. It may have been about bed times or a second scoop of ice cream or my…
A storm is coming. And I find that interesting since one seems to brewing inside of me too. I am not myself. I got bad news about my ankle today. (surgery) I have a kid who refuses to listen lately and hurts my heart on the daily. But of course I love him and I…
In which I get depressed about having TOO much food to eat. File under 1st world problems.
This morning I stepped on the scale and the number 165 showed up. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE POUNDS. There was no wishing it away or making it change or stepping off and stepping on again and having it be different. It WAS what it was. And then I cried. I cried because at one point…
Please Remind Me
Today I have a guest post from my lovely friend, Liz, of Learning to Juggle. She also has two boys and baby girl like me and likes to run, and just finished her first half marathon!! It’s like we are the same person. 😉 Plus, I get to meet her at BlogHer in August –…
The Puzzle
He sits on the floor with all the pieces spread out before him, some still upside down where you cannot see the part of the picture they will eventually make. I tell him he should do the outside border pieces first but he does not listen and just grabs the one that looks like it…
This roller coaster…
Sometimes you’re up and sometimes you’re down. The ups are scary and the downs are scarier. I’m in the downs right now. I cannot run (still, yet, now, pain free, ugh). This fact makes me a bit depressed. And so I just want to EAT! The true definition of a vicious cycle in my life….
If I’d only known you all then…
I wish I had the internet when my first child was born. I mean, I HAD the internet but not the way I do now. I didn’t have it as a friend. As a support group. As a place for respite in hard times and celebration in the good times. Like I do now. If…
Sometimes I feel like this word defines my life. Mediocre. First of all I want to say that I am not writing this here to get comments that say “Oh Elaine, you are so great, etc, etc….” I mean, if you really think that, then awesome but I’m not looking for it.That’s not why I…