The year 2016 will bring about much change for me personally. Some of you know why and others reading this new post (finally!) may not. I am sorry to be cryptic but I am sure most of you can read between the lines. I will talk about what is really going on with me sometime…
On Strong Hearts…
Last week my mom called to tell me that the pains my Dad had been having for a while in his leg had something to do with a blocked artery. After many tests and scans they decided to put a stent in one of them to help the blood flow again. However, when my father…
To Have a Daughter
“Come sit right here,” I say as I pat my hand on the sofa cushion. She sits with her back to me. Her pink hairbrush with a big white “K” on the back is in my right hand and I begin brushing a group of strands on the right side of her head. Wavy, so wavy and…
The View
In the summer of 1996 I went o New York City, New York for the first time in my life. I used my savings to buy the plane ticket and pay for the other expenses involved in the trip. It was actually a college class I took and so a group of us students and…
I Don’t Know.
I sat in my new reading spot in the corner of our living room looking at my phone. I checked Facebook and noted a status from an acquaintance who I am “friends” with. She made mention of 10 cop cars at The Grand 16 and asked if anyone knew what was going on. Someone commented,…
My Love
He comes into the kitchen in his dress pants and button down shirt, clean and fresh, ready for a day of work and meetings and things I can only grasp a little. I hand him a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon and ask, “Do you want a coffee?” I smile at how handsome he…
My First Born
“Oh Mom, really?” I’ve just attempted to make a joke around him and because he is a tween he finds it very unfunny. Also, it may not have been that funny. Although I think it was at least “cute” funny. But then, I’m “old” so… I glance over at his nose that is becoming more…
My Second Son
“Mommy, kiss”. His backpack is loaded on his back and his breath smells like bacon. We give a peck on the lips, as he cranes his neck back and then I watch him walk out the door to his Daddy’s truck. Dressed in clothes that he chose himself, it’s been a long time since…
My Girl
I brush her fine, straight hair and gently move the strands that hang in front of her eyes out of her face, as I gather them and place the pink hair clip just so. Her blue eyes look up at me as I say, “All done.” She insists she cannot put the clip in herself….
Surely Those Goldfish Won’t Kill Them
As I push my adopted cart with one wobbly wheel through the grocery store, I peruse my list and hit up the produce section first. I remind myself that I’ve read you should stay on the perimeter of the store, since the healthiest food is located there. I remind myself of this every time. I load up…