Y’all. I’m tuckered. I barely stopped this weekend. I don’t know how many of you saw my Instagram pics but I CLEANED out some stuff sh!t this weekend!! Here are the pics for those of you who did not see… (this is in our bedroom, btw) BEFORE AFTER This took me ALL day. I put…
We pulled into the garage and the kids jumped out of the car, full of sugar and vim and vigor. Tim went in with them as I switched to the driver’s seat and pulled right back out to make a quick run to the grocery store for some essentials for lunches and such. I felt…
My First (and only?) Half Marathon – Dallas White Rock 2011
I am not really sure where to start with this post because I have so much in my head to write about my experience last weekend. First of all, I rode to and from Dallas with some of the best women on the planet. They supported me, prayed with me, laughed with me and helped…
Moments Captured – Me & K
In the morning, when I get K out of her crib, I kiss her face a bunch of times over and over and over again and call her by her nickname of the moment and hug her really tight.It seems like every time, I’m love-struck by the fact that she is mine, that I have a daughter.As…
Half Mary, Here I Come!
I’ve been bit overwhelmed with feelings these last couple of days. Feelings of stress and excitement and anticipation for this weekend’s race. Feelings of love and support from you all here and my family and other friends who know I can do it. I know that I’m talking a lot about this half marathon lately…
Please, Won’t You Run Along With Me?
I take off and my feet pound the pavement, one after the other. I hear the familiar music in my ears and say “run, Elaine, just run.” I go and I go, feeling my breath and the air in my lungs. I feel the sweat begin to bead on my forehead. My ankle aches with…
My First Family Photoshoot
So last week I put myself out there and offered to take photographs for some of my local friends and their families. The response was more than I could have hoped (YAY!) and on Sunday I got together with my first guinea pigs family and I am happy to report that it went pretty well….
My True Colors
These last few days have been full of ups and downs. Little ones, not big ones. But no matter the scope, my emotions have run high and my heart hurts a little from someone else’s actions. Oddly enough, not someone that I am even that close to. It is truly amazing to me what one human…
Is there a foot God I can pray to? ‘Cause I will!
Today my dear, sweet husband IMed me a link to an article about training for a marathon. Yes, a MAR-A-THON. Not a half one. A full. 26.2 M.I.L.E.S. Anyway, I typed back to him that he was crazy and did he want me dead then a second later I said in my head very softly “maybe”. And…
Pain, Pain Go Away…
So, I’m still training for the half marathon I plan to do the first weekend in December. I missed part of my schedule last week due to being sick but I got back on the treadmill on Monday and things were fine. I was only able to go 2.5 miles but I figured since I…