
Avery & Austin, The Cure For Boredom

My kids get bored sometimes around our house, even though there is absolutely NO shortage of toys in our abode…

10 years ago

Old School Blogging – Fall Into Fall!

I am SO very ready for Fall to arrive this year.  Unfortunately the fact that it begins this weekend is…

11 years ago

Super Easy Valentine Art

I have a little bit of left-over scrapbooking paper.  And when I say a "little bit" I actually a whole…

11 years ago

I Heart Hearts & Miss Elaine-ous Monday

The heart shape is really quite enticing, isn't it?  It's one of my favorite things about Valentine's Day. Or just…

13 years ago

My Space & Miss Elaine-ous Monday

Last week you all saw the desk that I cleaned up and out.  Since then I acquired a new BFF…

13 years ago

You Capture – In The Kitchen (and the bathroom)

I do a lot of things in the kitchen.Besides cooking.Although I do that too. And bake. mmmm... baking...{sorry, easily side-tracked…

15 years ago

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