
You Know, This Blogging Thing is Kinda Fun

So, I've been blogging for over two years now but it's only been about a year that I really started…

16 years ago

Scrappin’ Saturday Again!

I'm on a roll (hmmm... rolls.... yum). Sorry, can't stop thinkin' about the food next week. My grocery list just…

16 years ago

Gratis Groceries!

Last night I POURED over photos of my boys with messy faces and food in their hair in order to…

16 years ago

It’s a Cuddly Giveaway!

This giveaway is now closed and I will notify the winner today, Saturday, Nov. 1. Thanks to all who took…

16 years ago

Scrappin’ Saturday

These days I require MAJOR inspiration to get any scrapbooking done. Thankfully I can find that on the good ole…

17 years ago

Wordless Wednesday #28 – Summer Contest

I am combining my Wordless Wednesday (which is already not wordless!) with an entry into the Summer Fun Photo Contest…

17 years ago

Come Join the Party!

Carolyn is hosting a little scrapboookin' party over at her place (with prizes!!) and because that is my favorite non-computer…

17 years ago

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