
Snowy Wishes

When I was in the fourth grade it snowed in Austin, Texas, where I grew up.  I remember it well…

11 years ago
Just Playin’Just Playin’

Just Playin’

I have this very vivid memory of myself while playing in the house where I grew up.  The same house…

12 years ago

Talkin’ ’bout my girl

I haven't written specifically about K in a while.  I think sometimes I am still amazed that she is mine.…

12 years ago

10 Kisses, 10 Hugs!

One night last month I was putting the boys to bed solo since Tim had left me to go to…

12 years ago

On Bike Helmets and Growing Up

Since K is my last "baby" I seem to be a little more um... sensitive to her firsts and her milestones (read:…

12 years ago

Things Overheard in my Swagger Wagon

There is really no need for any other form of entertainment in our van during short trips around town like to school…

12 years ago

The Real Santa

The Saturday afternoon before Christmas I was given the chance to go play Santa.  Tim sent me off to go…

12 years ago

The Ocean

Anticipation mounted as we drove onto the ferry and rolled down our windows.  I could smell the salty, sticky ocean…

13 years ago

Memories Captured – Little G

It's hard to choose just one child to post a picture of when you have three. But sometimes you just…

13 years ago

Nicknames I promise your kids don’t have…

All of our children have nicknames. Since Ben is Benjamin I call him “Benja” a lot. I also call him,…

13 years ago