I drove home from work yesterday crying. As I made my way, I took note how most of the flags outside of businesses and in front of churches and schools were at half staff. I realized it could be for multiple reasons. Yesterday was a national day of mourning for our country’s former President, Jimmy…
A Different Thanksgiving
When I close my eyes and think about Thanksgiving I smell onions. Every year my mom would start cooking the turkey very early in the morning, and I would smell the sauteed onions for the beginnings of the cornbread stuffing, as I lazy-eyed rose from my bed. This tradition continued even after I left home,…
Christmas in Canada
As I saw this scene out of the tiny airplane window, Michael Buble’s version of “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” came on over my headphones and filled my brain. It was like shuffle kismet. And this was just Toronto. I wasn’t even in Edmonton yet. And y’all, I was not sitting by the window….
Chocolate Covered Cherries
The left side of the huge room was lined with vinyl rocking chairs circa 1950 0r 1960-ish. By the corner window, that faced the garden, was a dusty bookshelf and a table full of framed family photographs (also very dusty). On the back wall hung a now antique, aqua-colored rotary phone with the long, curly cord….
Easter Ease
We had a pretty chill Easter this year. I did spend quite a bit of time at church. But that is a good thing. A lot of times we go to Texas but the timing wasn’t right this year so we stayed home and had our own, calm weekend and a delicious meal that we all enjoyed,…
It’s My Party and I’ll Skate If I Want To…
A few months ago I was at dinner with some girlfriends and I asked them to start brainstorming with me about what I could do for my 40th birthday. I wanted to have a fun party that would take me back to my youth and make us all feel a just a tad younger for a…
Sometimes I get so caught up in writing about things that are happening or have happened in my life, I forget that I am also just busy living this life. There is a lot happening and going on around me and with my friends and family and even my on-line life. Each new day brings…
15 Years and 2 Weeks
Tim and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary two weeks ago, on November 6th. I honored it in part, by being on the internet less that week, so this post is a tad belated. However, I still wanted to put these words out into the universe, in my space here. I love you, so much,…
Halloween, Twenty Fourteen!
This Halloween included a photo shoot along with Mummy dogs and of course, Trick-or-Treating! This mural is on a game/comic book store not too far from our house and the boys were especially “game” (ha! I crack myself up!) to take their picture in front of it. After that we hung out in our…
Down on the Horse Farm
I mentioned in K’s birthday post that she likes horses. Although, “like” might be a bit of an understatement. “Obsessed with” is probably more accurate. I am so glad that we found the perfect spot for her party this past Sunday and I am even more thankful that the weather was absolutely perfect! We were…