I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. I regret that I didn’t always answer when you called for me, or pay attention to what you were trying to say to me. But sometimes I did. I know I did. Because I helped you tie your shoe and…
Zoom to 16
The moment I found out I was pregnant with my first child I was very excited to fill my mind full of baby knowledge. I purchased and read all the books. Okay, obviously not ALL of them, but it felt like it. I also kept a detailed calendar notebook that I found at the bookstore…
13, Going on… and on…
Several weeks ago Ben had his braces taken off. (I know he doesn’t really want me to talk about him on the blog very much anymore and I respect that. But unfortunately (although not really), he has the honor of being my first born child. Therefore, all the firsts happen with him and I get…
You CAN Teach a New Dog Old Tricks!
One afternoon last week it was just about cool enough to play outside. So I encouraged dragged all my boys (including the canine one) to come outside and play. We had received this wonderful KaBOOM! Go Out & Play backpack from Imagine Toys with all kinds of goodies, including a disc. And, we have…
Ben Ten
This is Ben. Today he is ten. Yesterday he was nine. And that was just fine. But now he is older by a bit And at the adult table he likes to sit. He tells funny jokes once and while And leaves his clothes in his room, on the floor, in a pile….
School Days
I will always remember my third-grade program. Beneath the harsh neon lights of the cafeteria stage I sang my heart out to the song “Calendar Girls”. The stinky boy right in front of me told me I sang to loud. I replied “too bad”. I had a little solo and was so happy to sing…
I’m locking this one in his room until he is AT LEAST 25
Last night after dinner the kids and I were in the driveway waiting for Tim to get home from work. Out of the blue G started to tell me and I quote… “I love ALL the girls!!” “They are ALL beautiful and I want to marry them ALL!” This is not the first time I…
New Challenges & Miss Elaine-ous Monday
I completed my 3rd 10K this weekend. I ran the entire time and it was THE first time I ever ran over 4 miles straight!! I had a friend running with me and I think that really helped keep me going and it made the time go by SO much faster! (Thanks Lindsey!) My official…
My Two Sons – Miss Elaine-ous Monday
I walk by this photo in our hallway several times every day. I have a very small laminated version of the same one sitting inside another framed picture on the vanity in my bedroom, where I do my hair and put my make-up on every day a few times a week. While I was primping…
Let’s Face it, Boys Love Poop Jokes – Super Diaper Baby 2 Review & Giveaway
The B Man is full on reading these days and he just finished the second Harry Potter book. He starts 2nd grade next week. I’m not bragging, just mentioning… So, when I was asked to review the new Super Diaper Baby 2 book I thought he would love it since well, the subject matter…