WordPress, Elaine. Elaine, WordPress. Yes, we’ve just been introduced, so please bear with me while I figure this out, k? So… WHAT DO Y’ALL THINK of the new place? I am pretty much in love with my new design, I have to say. Thank you so VERY much to Krysytn from Krizzy Designs for moving…
Old School Blogging – November
Y’all. This is a good one. I dug this baby up from May of 2008! Now THAT is Old School! Ha! It’s just a cute little question/answer meme that went around back then and about all I have time for right now. I hope you will link up with me and the…
Listen To Your Mother 2014!
A couple of years ago I got chills as I sat at my computer and watched my friend Stephanie read her Listen To Your Mother piece. It was surreal to actually LISTEN to her speak her own words on stage since I had read them on her blog for such a long time. And as I…
Old School Blogging – 5 Favorite Blogs
Do you remember how we used to talk about other blogs we loved a lot, back in the day? I do. I even gave this out (and received it as well) to a few friends many moons ago… Ain’t it cute? I think back fondly on the days when we would spread the love and…
By Searching
So… Sometimes I look at the stats for this here blog. Yeah, yeah, you know you do it too. I think it’s kinda fun just to look at what people search for that brings them to my little space on the big ole inter-webby. Many times it’s just general stuff, like my blog name or…
I just couldn’t stay away…
I had not planned to go to BlogHer at all this year. All along I was not going but still asked Jen to save me a spot in the hotel room “just in case” because we had so much other stuff going on this summer. But then as people started to show up on Wednesday and…
Old School Blogging, June
I originally posted the answers to this Old School meme back in July of 2008! Some of them have changed out of preference and some have stayed the same since they are fact. It was still fun to go back and read my almost five-year old answers though. Apparently my love for chocolate has waned…
Old School Blogging – April
Old school blogging was QUITE the hit last month so Heather (@ThetaMom) and I are SO excited to do it again. The response was WAY more than we expected and well, we just LOVE that. I guess we do like to go back to the “good old days” a little, huh? We REALLY hope you’ll join…
Blissdom ’13 – The Recap
From the moment Nicole told me that she would pick me up at the airport, I knew Blissdom was going to be pretty awesome. And despite the fact that my sweet roommate Kim got sick, it was quite wonderful. We kicked it off with a wonderful photo walk on Thursday afternoon where I finally got…
Old School Blogging, March
So, back in January I answered 48 Questions about myself in the spirit of Old School Blogging. This month I have joined with Heather at Theta Mom and we are bringing back another meme for those of us who miss “the old days” of blogging. Do you remember when we used to pass these things around…