
Chocolate Chip Cookies? Why Yes, Thank You!

My middle child has been on a baking kick for several months now. As a matter of fact, the last…

8 years ago

So Proud.

I had no choice but to come out of my dream as he bounded onto my bed. His face came…

8 years ago

Easter Ease

Have you ever wished you could just beam yourself somewhere?  Seriously, how cool would it be if we could really…

11 years ago

How my mind works

I like dessert.I just do.I grew up in a house where a Dutch apple pie on a random Wednesday was…

12 years ago

Fastest party planner in the South!

I imagine Emily Post rolled over in her grave last week when I invited everyone to The B Man's last-minute…

13 years ago

Rock Your Recipes! A Giveaway!

I rip a lot of recipes out of magazines and I print many off of the internet as well.  I…

13 years ago

You Need to Quit Using the Recipe on the Back of the Chocolate Chip Package Anyway…

We had some neighbor friends over for dinner tonight. The guys watched football while us ladies stood in the kitchen…

14 years ago

WW – Bake On!

Celebratory "I Can Finally Bake in This House" blueberry/banana muffins. Yum!That's actually all I have to say... except....Enter the All…

16 years ago

Christmas Eve, Good…

Christmas Day... not so much.Our Christmas was good until early Christmas Day morning. I have been debating in my head…

16 years ago

Baking Queen

I felt like my mom yesterday. I baked and then I did a little baking and then well, I baked…

16 years ago

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