My middle child has been on a baking kick for several months now. As a matter of fact, the last time we went to the library (and he got his own library card) the only book he wanted to check out was one with cookies recipes. He is so my son. Before we had to…
So Proud.
I had no choice but to come out of my dream as he bounded onto my bed. His face came right up next to mine and we shared our morning breath. “Mom, I want to make the cinnamon rolls! I just need you to tell me how to turn on the oven!” “Son, can I…
Easter Ease
Have you ever wished you could just beam yourself somewhere? Seriously, how cool would it be if we could really do that thing they used to do on Star Trek? (I mean, not really a fan of the show except for that part… I was more of a Three’s Company kind of gal. Still am…
How my mind works
I like dessert. I just do. I grew up in a house where a Dutch apple pie on a random Wednesday was common place. My mother loves to bake and we like to eat what she bakes, so while I was growing up we pretty much always had a “treat” after dinner. (although how that…
Fastest party planner in the South!
I imagine Emily Post rolled over in her grave last week when I invited everyone to The B Man’s last-minute birthday party via email and text. Even I was a tad mortified. But I knew it was “now or never” on the party and since we were no longer traveling to Austin for the half…
Rock Your Recipes! A Giveaway!
I rip a lot of recipes out of magazines and I print many off of the internet as well. I haven’t used an actual cookbook in AGES. ENTER: The Recipe Rock. Cute, huh? That little ball is a magnet. When I got mine I decided to give it THE most challenging type of recipe to…
You Need to Quit Using the Recipe on the Back of the Chocolate Chip Package Anyway…
We had some neighbor friends over for dinner tonight. The guys watched football while us ladies stood in the kitchen and drank wine. And at one point we sat down to dinner with 5 kids and 4 adults. We even had to bring in my craft desk chair so we could all fit around the…
WW – Bake On!
Celebratory “I Can Finally Bake in This House” blueberry/banana muffins. Yum! That’s actually all I have to say… except…. Enter the All Modern Baby ($50 credit to their site) giveaway HERE… Don’t forget you can get 10% off of Simple Shoes until the end of the month Visit Wordful Wednesday HQ at Seven Clown Cirucs
Christmas Eve, Good…
Christmas Day… not so much. Our Christmas was good until early Christmas Day morning. I have been debating in my head whether or not to mention that tid bit here on the blog. But the fact of the matter is, this is a record of our life and well, this one will definitely go down…
Baking Queen
I felt like my mom yesterday. I baked and then I did a little baking and then well, I baked some more… I even popped a casserole in the oven for good measure. See, that’s pretty much what she does on the day before Thanksgiving – she cooks A LOT. I wore my apron (gosh,…