Categories: boysOutings

Boys, Boys, Boys!

We took our bottoms (well and the rest of us…) to the zoo AGAIN today. I know, I know, we just went last week but when you over committ yourself to like 3 playgroups you end up going twice in one week. And you know, I didn’t want to give the animals a chance to miss us. I think the meercats recognized Little G as the toddler who tried to lick the glass just a mere 5 days ago. They are working on a relationship. It’s going well.
What was interesting about the zoo trip today is that it was almost an all boy outing (13 kids=11 boys + 2 girls). Oh and we also had Daniel with us (my friend Claudia’s teenage brother) since he was off from school. And yes, he’s a boy. And that my friends actually brings the tally to 14.
So, I have to say I was quite excited to hear that my bloggy friend Krystyn had a girl today. Good to know someone is still having girls… Please go see her precious new addition and leave some comment love. : )
Anyway, here are some pics of our boys from the zoo today. And I will end with a shot of the favorite meercat. I am not sure if it’s a boy but I am going to guess it is.

Ben and Conner

Checkin’ out the penguins

Ben, Ethan and Daniel foolin’ around

I really hope you can see all the expressions in this one…

Mr. Meercat


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