We took our bottoms (well and the rest of us…) to the zoo AGAIN today. I know, I know, we just went last week but when you over committ yourself to like 3 playgroups you end up going twice in one week. And you know, I didn’t want to give the animals a chance to miss us. I think the meercats recognized Little G as the toddler who tried to lick the glass just a mere 5 days ago. They are working on a relationship. It’s going well.
What was interesting about the zoo trip today is that it was almost an all boy outing (13 kids=11 boys + 2 girls). Oh and we also had Daniel with us (my friend Claudia’s teenage brother) since he was off from school. And yes, he’s a boy. And that my friends actually brings the tally to 14.
So, I have to say I was quite excited to hear that my bloggy friend Krystyn had a girl today. Good to know someone is still having girls… Please go see her precious new addition and leave some comment love. : )
Anyway, here are some pics of our boys from the zoo today. And I will end with a shot of the favorite meercat. I am not sure if it’s a boy but I am going to guess it is.
Ben and Conner
Checkin’ out the penguins
Ben, Ethan and Daniel foolin’ around
I really hope you can see all the expressions in this one…
Mr. Meercat
Seriously, the zoo is the best! It’s always fun! Once, we went to a petting zoo with my grandma…and I dont know why, but she tried to pet the Emu! Who pets an emu?? Anyway, it bit her. Like I said, always an adventure! haha! Cute pictures!!
i am so sad that we missed the zoo! we love the zoo and i love how tired it makes my kids!
although, we wouldn’t have helped any with the boy/girl ratio since i have one of each…however, James might have given the meercat a kiss too!
Too funny!!!! Licking the glass…heh heh.
I love meercats–I even loved ’em before the Animal Planet show! Glad you had a great time!
I have not been to the zoo in like a year–I really need to go back!
Love the pics as usual
I’m not buying it! I think this is the same trip to the zoo as last time, plus a change of clothes. Fess up!
We live in oppposite worlds…mine in over run with little girls!!
We love the zoo.
It is pretty far away though so we don’t go that often.
I love boys!
If it makes you feel better…boys are WAY easier.
With girls…it is a lot of drama!
A lot!
So excited about Krystyn’s baby!
When in doubt, go to the zoo I say! Seriously, where else can you have so much fun AND tire the kids out in one? LOVE these shots Elaine!
Hi there. Just wanted to say a really big thank you for visiting my guest post at Christina’s (Momology) and leaving a comment. I really do appreciate it.
And er hello? You went to the zoo with 14 children? You need a medal. And you had time to take photos!
Geez, wouldn’t want to mess with ol’ Timon!
Great pics- looks like a fun time!
Um that one little kid on the stage coach looks like he is flippin’ the bird…..
Carter went to the zoo on a field trip today! And I love meercats!
Aww, the zoo is so much fun! I love these pics.
Mr Meercat does look rather captivated
Looks like another fun day!
Looks like another fun day!
Elaine…you are SOOO sweet! And, seriously, people have asked us yesterday and today, if we were going to try for a boy for #3!!
I will just borrow one of the 11 you have!
How fun!!
Can I tell you I am slightly jealous about going to the zoo twice a week. We are lucky to make the three hour trip twice a year.
Cute meercat.
You what’s funny? Both of my girls’ preschool classes have been boy dominated every single year. One year my daughter was the only girl in her class for the first two months.
I’m so sad there is no zoo nearby! Looks like a super day
I wouldn’t want to mess with that meerkat! Great shot.
I could go to that zoo easily twice a week if I didn’t have a baby…Caden loves it too! What a fun group of boys!