So… we’re leaving for a much needed but way-too-short trip to the beach on Wednesday night and I am SO not prepared. I did do laundry today and sort of started packing. I always end up packing WAY too much stuff for a trip like this but this time our cargo space is somewhat limited so I have to control myself. Part of my problem is that I always have these dreams of me running down the beach is some beautiful sundress and so I pack said sundress and then never get my chance to run down the beach. Not that I run anyway.
I am still packing that dress though because it doesn’t take up very much room and I am sure I will look just as nice in it while drinking a glass of wine as I would making tracks on the beach. See, this is how it starts. But a girl has to have options, right?
This is a family vacation. We are going with my parents and my brother and his family and renting condos next door to each other. The B Man absolutely adores his cousins and I can already see all the fun that will ensue. I am very excited to see what Little G is going to think of the ocean and the sand (The B Man has been to the beach before, when he was 2 so he’s good with it all).
I am also eagerly anticipating some time with my husband where he is not going to work the next day or preparing to fly away. It will only be five days but I hope to spend each of them to the fullest, watching my boys and my nieces and nephew frolick in the water and just spending time together, making memories.
There are plans for dinners out and breakfasts in and nap times on the sand (in the shade of course!). There are plans to rest our bodies and minds. There are plans for much DVD watching on the way there and back. I mean we parents gotta stay sane, right?
And even if our “plans” fall through at least we will be together having fun and sharing time together.
I promise to post a picture of me (although I said I wouldn’t until I lost some weight, which I have NOT done yet) in my sundress, if I end up actually wearing it of course.
I have at least one guest-poster (if anyone else would like to volunteer you can email me at ealguire {at} sbcglobal {dot} net) while I am gone so the blog won’t get too lonely whilst I bask in the sun (with my SPF 75 of course!)
Wish me luck with the packing. There’s one BIG suitcase and 4 of us…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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