When I was in my late teens/early twenties I LOVED the illustrations and sentiments of Mary Engelbreit’s work. I used to buy her yearly desk calendars and then cut out the pictures and make cards out of them. I guess that was sort of the beginning of my scrapbooking/card making days.
One of the illustrations that I have always loved, perhaps more for the words than the art was this one.
We’ve been here three full days now and of course it’s been quite a transition for all of us but since I’m a “glass is half full” kinda girl I know we will “bloom where we are planted.” It’s what we do. So although I miss our old home right now and probably will for a while, this is where I plan to “bloom” in the very near future.
The house is already looking pretty good although I am quite flabbergasted at how much a family of 4.5 can accumulate. It’s a little more overwhelming on this side of things since I really didn’t have to pack much myself. But unpacking? Woah.
My MIL has been wonderful, helping with the boys and of course, unpacking too. She leaves tomorrow and I’m sorta considering forgetting to take her to the airport. Hmmm….
Tonight I cooked my first meal here and while I was standing there browning the meat for tacos it was pretty surreal thinking, “This is my kitchen now…” (although it is a pretty fabulous kitchen!).
The space in this house is truly amazing. The rooms and closets are SO big and both The B Man and Little G have had fun playing in their closet and inside moving boxes. Makes me wonder what are all these toys for again.
Speaking of playing… here they are with the train track they built in the cavernous living room with the assistance of my MIL (please ignore the state of the semi-unpacked house).
So, we are here and doing well. Besides the fact that the cable guy has failed to show up twice and the OMV (Office of Motor Vehicles) was WAY too crowded for our patience level yesterday, things are peachy.
Now to just finish unpacking… I’ll get back to you in a week or two on that part…
I’m glad you are getting settled…moving is hard work!!
I hope all of you bloom and prosper in your new home. Best of luck!
I can’t get over the fact that Little G doesn’t pick apart that track. My kid would totally break it apart and then demand that I fix it.
I know you guys will really enjoy your new home. Good luck with unpacking!
Hope you guys really enjoy your new place! Good luck unpacking! Moving can be so overwhelming…but sometimes “fresh starts” are…well…refreshing. LOL.
Have a wonderful day!
Glad you made it safely and you are settling in so well.
I’ve always said home is where your family is…hope you enjoy your home.
Glad to hear you’re getting settled! And everyone I know that has moved in the past month has had trouble with the cable companies out there…. you think they could improve their customer service!
It sounds like you are already blooming. I think I would use moving while pregnant as an excuse to eat out for at least a week.
And no apologizing for still having unpacking to do, it’s only been three days!
Moving in the same city is tough enough never mind moving states and you are nearing the end of pregnancy! Amazing!
Change is tough, takes me a good 6 months in a new house to feel like it’s mine. I hope that happens much sooner for you!
Ugh, I dread ever moving again. Bless your heart Elaine. Just take it one box at a time and don’t forget to breathe! Relax as much as possible because REMEMBER, your pregnant ya know.. LOL
Hang in there sweetie!
It must be so much fun to be living in a new house! And cooking in the house… fun! All very exciting, despite all the work you have to do unpacking. Such a cute pics of your little boys!
Hope you are all settling in well.
I love that “Bloom Where You Are Planted” illustration too. For me, home is where my immediate family (husband/kids/cats)are. If we are together I think I would thrive. You have a terrific attitude about everything–good for you!!
Ummm…I am AMAZED you already have things on bookshelves!!!! WOW!
Glad you are doing good so far!
the unpacking really is amazing isn’t it?? it’s like it’s not possible that we have that much stuff! but we do!
Looks like you’ve made wonderful progress for only being there 3 days!! Good luck getting settled!
Elaine, I have no doubt at all that you’ll bloom beautifully there!
Do we get to see pictures of the new place???? please? It actually looks pretty darn settled already for only being there a few days.
P.S. My MIL LOVES Mary Engelbreit and has her stuff all over the house!
Happy to hear you’re all getting settled in. I’m excited for you to be in a new and different place.
I love that saying..”Bloom where you are planted”!!! Is it kind of fun at all to get a fresh slate? Decorate all the rooms “new” again? I’m sure it’s overwhelming when you are so pregnant….but a tiny bit fun too, right???
Moving is such a drag, but it sounds like your “blooming” already. Best of luck in the new place.
Best wishes and sending happy home thoughts your way!
(If that is your living room then your closets must be huge!!! That is one serious living space!)
That town will be very blessed to have you bloomin’ there! Best wishes with the unpacking.
Wow, can’t wait to see the rest of the house girl, looks fabulous! I love the idea of bloom where you are, it suits your sunny personality. I hope you feel settled in soon and that the unpacking is as unpainful as possible
You will bloom wonderfully there—once you get past the kinks, you’ll wonder what the fuss was all about