I started watching Bloodline last week at the suggestion of some friends. And when I say some friends I mean Leigh Ann and Jennifer. During the first episode I watched, I was sitting next to Tim in the bed watching it on my laptop and I paused it and said to him, “I don’t think I can continue to watch this.”
I said that because the family is very “disfunctional”, a term widely used these days (because most families are in some way). I don’t blog about ALL the things that go on in family because that is not what this space is about. And certain things are private.
So, I wasn’t really sure I could keep watching, but then at the end of the first episode, a scene of a foreshawdowing changed my mind and I looked at Tim again and said, “Well now I have to keep watching!” There is nothing private about this show… sure, they are keeping the viewers in a dark on some things, and only alluding to others but yeah… it’s all gonna come out at some point. It just has to…
He gave me an “I knew it” look and I continued on to the next episode. The next night I watched four in a row. The next night another two. This show isn’t playing around y’all. Some of it is still hard for me to watch. I don’t like to see people doing evil things to each other and there is a bit of that in this show. I do however, like a good story and this show certainly has that. And secrets are unfolding one by one and that in it of itself makes me want to keep watching (and watching).
The acting is pretty good too and even though I never watched Friday Night Lights (I know, I’m a Texan, WHA???), Kyle Chandler is really watchable. And I just love seeing Sissy Spacek, as the matriarch and I’m enjoying watching Linda Cardellini again, that used to be on ER, where she was really good.
So, if you’re looking for a new series to try out I would definitely say Bloodline is one you should take a look at. It will hook you with that first episode though, just warning you! With a tag line like “We are not bad people, but we did a bad thing”, it’s kind of hard to resist.
P.S. I also want their Inn in The Keys…
P.P.S. What are you watching on Netflix lately? Any suggestions for me?
*As a member of the Netflix Stream Team I receive products/services for posting once a month. As always, all opinions are my own.
Okay, this sounds intriguing! I’m going to watch it.
That’s so funny, because when I looked up Linda Cardellini, the only thing I saw that rang a bell was ER! It wasn’t until I read another article that I remembered she was on Mad Men (she looked much older in Mad Men, probably thanks to the 60’s hairdo and the fact that she had older teenagers in the show).
Leigh Ann recently posted…no carbs for you
I told you it was good. And yes, that inn. I totally want it. Or at least want to stay there.
Jennifer recently posted…Moms Bashing Moms – The New Mommy Wars
Oooohhhhh! We just recently finished watching the Wire, and are in a bit of an open spot for our nightly Netflix habit. Though I’m like you, and don’t like seeing people do terrible things. I’ll have to run it past the husband and see if he’s interested.
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