Hi there! First off, thanks to Robin from Pensieve for hosting this great blog hop! And the cute button designed to go along with the party was created by none other than the lovely lady who prettied up my blog just a few months back, Karen at Simply Amusing Designs! (if you need a new design, check her out, she’s great to work with!)
So, here it is the weekend of BlogHer ’08 and I am somewhat bummed that I am not there (especially since it’s in beautiful San Fran). I am however a strong believer in the saying, “Bloom where you are planted” and since I am planted right here in my little corner of the world that pretty much revolves around my 3 guys, I can only say that I am surely “blooming!” : )
I also believe in the saying, “There’s always next year” and by next year at this time I will have been blogging for over 2 1/2 years! So… who knows what may be going on or where I may be going by then!
For those of you who’ve stopped by for the first time, I am Elaine and this blog just represents all the miss elaine-ous (!) things that pop in my mind and happen in my life (hence the blog name). I am mom to 2 wonderful little boys, who I refer to as The B Man (4) a nd Little G (1), and wife to my sweet and handsome Tim (oh and he’s smart too!).
I love to shop, scrapbook and sing (I call it my Three S’s) as well as spend time with friends and family and travel when I can. I also have just a little bit of an obsession with chocolate. I tend to make random lists alot because frankly, that’s how my brain works. Here’s a sampler from this past week.
Please stay for a minute and help me eat some of the strawberry cake left over from my hubby’s birthday that was on Wednesday.
I am sorry for leftovers but I promise it’s still quite yummy. If you would like the recipe please refer to the bakery aisle in your local grocery store and pick up the Duncan Hines strawberry cake mix and whipped vanilla icing. DE-LISH! ; )
Ok, have fun blog hoppin’ this weekend and thanks for stoppin’ by my place. I hope you enjoyed your visit and will come back again sometime soon. And as my mother would say, “Don’t make yourself scarce.”
Oh and if so inclined leave me a little tid-bit about yourself in the comments – I would love to get to know you better too! BYE! : )
Yum! I could eat a big piece of that RIGHT NOW!
Thanks for stopping by. Have fun hopping!
Thanks for having me over! The cake was yummy too – so glad virtual partying has no calories.
Love the cake! Delicious! It’s actually my favorite!
So nice to meet you.
Cake looks delicious!
I’m impressed you’ve been blogging for so long.
I love your header and blog title. Too cute!
Thanks for stopping by and saying hi! It’s nice to meet you!
Screw packing!!
I am coming over for cake!!
When a cake looks that good, who cares if it’s leftovers?
It’s nice to meet you…I love your blog design, by the way.
Now that’s the kind of cake I like! A virtual one with no calories
It has been great meeting you and getting to know you over the past few weeks … so glad you found my blog and introduced yourself! It’s great meeting others who love scrapbooking, especially when there are other things in common (the 2 boys, the singing, the shopping … etc). Love reading your blog.
Ah, you bake like I do. But people at work (and my family) are always impressed.
Hi, Elaine.
I’ve not been by in awhile. It’s good to see you!
I just love your “recipe.” That toally cracked me up! Thanks for the laugh.
I’m in the same boat – there’s always next year.
Maybe we can go together! Wouldn’t that be a blast? 
Strawberry is my hubby’s favorite kind of cake…that looks so yummy!
Love your blog!
Ohhh am totally nostalgic for that cake – we always had it at birthday parties when we were kids!
Nice to meet you!
Hi! Really nice to meet you, thanks to the Blog Hop! That cake DOES look good, even at 10 a.m. I’m adding cake mix to my grocery list.
Nice to meet you, Elaine! You’ve been blogging about the same amount of time as I have! I’m Jenni, and I homeschool and have 12 chillens (yeah…like as in a dozen).
You have a lovely blog; I’ll be back for more!
Yum! My #1Son loves strawberry anything. Thanks for inviting us over for a little partying. Nice to “meet” you.
oh my, that cake looks DELICIOUS.
Oh yummm yummm!
Mmm, now that was good, despite not being chocolate, but I guess they all can’t be chocolate…
If you are going to BlogHer next year, maybe I will too…I am skeered to go…
Left over cake is never a bad thing!!
Hi there! The cake looks delicious. Nice to meet you.
Have mercy!!! That strawberry cake looks delicious! Nice to meet you, Elaine.
Oh yum! I’m a sucker for cake, you’ll never have to ask me twice.
Hmmm. . . me thinks that all of the cake is likely gone by now. Darn it! I shall blame my out-laws and being there for the long weekend. Lots of catch up to play now. Hope you enjoyed your BlogHop weekend
The Strawberry Cake looks delish! Care to share the recipe?
Mmmmm…that strawberry cake is probably long gone by now, but I can still “taste” it :).
THANK YOU for joining in the BlogHop, and forgive me for taking so long to visit! I have so loved “meeting” so many new bloggers…I hope to see more of EVERYONE.
I had to smile on your three “S’s”…how can you add “blogging” if it begins with “B”? Slogging??? Ha!
Love your design, btw; Karen has mad skills, yes?