It’s hard to sum up my whole Blog Her experience this year because there was just SO. MUCH.
So much walking. So much hugging. So much laughing. So much dancing. So much love. So much friendship. So much fun. So much swag (yes that too). So much picture-taking.
But after going through the photos that were taken with my camera (many not by me, since I’m in them – YAY!) I came up with a little list that I think does a fairly good job.
It was a great time and I’m SO glad I went and got to hang out and meet my friends from the internets. They really are quite amazing!
So here it is…
My BlogHer Top 11:
12. Realizing you have an awesome roommate when after only 5 minutes of meeting her, you and your other wonderful roommate are already laughing with her about her awesome swag, a battery-powered hairbrush. 🙂
9. You get up at 5:30 to go run a 5K (that wasn’t really a true 5K but oh well) and see pretty boats and bridges while you’re out and about. Oh and you see a friend there that you just had dinner with (@kpugs)
8. You have the opportunity to hear an amazing photographer (Penny De los Santos) speak in her own personal poetry and show you some of the most amazing photographs you’ve ever seen and you are TRULY inspired. (thank you to @shesuggests for suggesting I go! ha!)
6. You go to parties with great friends and talk to a lot of great people (even some who you don’t realize who they are at the time – hey @mommyofamonster!)
5. You dance and party like it’s 1999 with thousands of fabulous bloggers and then your thighs hurt badly in the morning.
4. You take a little walk in the gorgeous weather and come back feeling refreshed after taking a few pretty pictures.
3. You go to the movies (to see “The Help”) with some gorgeous ladies and cry your eyes out after many attempts to push back the tears. It was amazing. Go see it, the first chance you get!!!
I also want to give a shout out to these ladies who I loved seeing but are not in any of my pics but I wish they were. Boo to that… Jo-Lynne, Ilana, Nicole, Cheryl, Nichole, Mandy, Heather, Ellie, Jennifer, Angie, Jill, Stacey, Yuliya, Haley, Heather, Becca.
So, what was in your top 12 at Blog Her? And if you didn’t go what was great about your weekend? And would you consider Blog Her ’12? It’s in NYC…. We’ll see… 🙂
Oh and if this was a TOP 13 I would also include the gorgeous, funny and heart-felt posts read during Voices of the Year and the Listen to Your Mother Salon. It’s so amazing to hear people read their own writing out loud. (sorry this is an after thought but I was just SO tired after compiling this post!)
p.s. all photos on flickr
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I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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