Once upon a time there was a chick who was trying her darndest to get more readers to her blog. She hoped for people t0 come back because they enjoyed what they read and saw. She wanted lots of bloggy friends and worked really hard to get there.
So, she tried lots of ways to make this happen and decided a good idea would be to give something away for FREE! And, as luck would have it there is a
Bloggy Giveaway carnival going on, hosted by
Rocks in My Dryer, and she couldn’t wait to partcipate.
Yes, she knew this was kind of like bribing her readers, but the moral of the story is, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.
So, here’s what I am giving away:
One Heidi Swapp, chocolate brown, spiral bound (cannot add more pages), 20 page (40 front and back) scrapbook album with photo corner on the cover, and…

One 2 page Birthday layout with extra white and purple paper for mounting photos:

To “win” you must leave a comment on THIS POST from now until January 31st at midnight, central time. I will choose a winner at random on Friday, February 1st. Be sure to leave your email when you comment so that I can get in touch with you if you are the winner. I will cover the postage but you must have a U.S. mailing address.
The End.