Bloggity Blog Blog Blog

I started blogging at the end of  November 2006.

I had a friend at church who had a blog and I was intrigued and thought it would be fun to keep family and friends updated on our growing family, via the internet.  So, one Fall afternoon I sat in our driveway while little Ben played in front of me, on my laptop and created an account on blogger and the rest is history.

Lots and lots of history.

First pic on my blog!

It’s interesting to look back and see how much my life has changed since then.  How much my family has changed and how many different things I have written about and documented in this space, my little corner of the internet.

I have changed too.  My writing and photography have grown quite a bit, thanks in part to people I have met through this blog.  And well, LOTS of practice!

I don’t claim to be an expert at this or any of the social media stuff that has come about in the last few years. I’m not a “big” blogger or someone who has made a bunch of money or become famous because of my blog.


I have found my place here.  I’ve made life-long friends and I know people I never would have known if I had not started this thing six years ago.

It’s pretty amazing really, when you think about it.

And I have the friends and archives to prove it.

Thanks to those of you who are still reading and commenting.  It means more to me than you know.  And if you don’t usually comment, won’t you please add one today?  I would love it.  I love hearing from you all and connecting with you…

Here are some of my more notorious posts.

My very first post

My MOST popular post according to the numbers. (and I am not sure why…)

My most commented-on post.

100 Things about Me (written in 2008!)

My 100th post

My 500th post (written by someone else)

My 1000th post

Oh and also?  This is my #1501 post.  Yeah… totally crazy! (those are published ones, by the way.  There are many more in draft…)

I guess I’m in this for the long haul… and I like it that way.


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