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Blogging Particulars: Comments & Replies

So, last week I posed a question on twitter, asking people if they would rather have bloggers reply to their comments that they left on blogs or if they would rather have a comment from that blogger on their own blog as a return “favor”.

In other words, would you rather continue the conversation with those who comment on your posts or visit their blog and leave them a comment?

My friend, Katy (a.k.a.) @birdonthestreet chimed in and had a good point that replies to your commenters help keep the conversation going and build relationships.  And I agree.

Personally, I’ve usually been more of a “you comment on my blog, I’ll comment on yours” kinda gal.


I think I’m sort of changing my tune.

Of course, hanging out here on Blogger does not afford me the luxury of easily commenting and automatically alerting my readers that I’ve done so, like those using WordPress.  Sure, I can add my own comment but unless readers are coming back to see what I’ve written, they won’t even read my reply.

I can also send email replies, which is good to keep the conversation going but other commenters don’t see those.

So, I had this idea to email those I could (some of you I cannot email because it says “no-reply comment blogger”) and then go leave the same response in my comments.


That takes TIME.  Time I do not necessarily have.

So, I’m putting the question out to all of you…

What would you rather have?  My email/comment response or a comment on your blog from me?  That is if I only have time for one….

Which, sometimes I have MORE time and time for both.

I’m REALLY interested in what you all have to say about this!

No matter what, I’m definitely going to concentrate more on replying to my commenters in one way or another.  Because I really like you all. And I really appreciate the fact that you take the time to visit here and read my words and get involved in my life.

I really, really do… 🙂


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